The Symbolism of "Rachel" Levine

The Biden Administration nominated “Rachel” (formerly Richard) Levine to be assistant secretary of Health and Human Services.

As we pointed out last May, Levine made the same catastrophic decision in Pennsylvania that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made: sending COVID-positive patients into nursing homes. About 40% of COVID fatalities nationwide have been nursing home patients, and in many states they have comprised about half of the fatalities. Governor Cuomo is finally being called to account for that decision, and for lying to minimize the number of people who died as a result.

As we noted last May, the results of Levine’s decision were, percentage-wise, even worse than in New York: Over two-thirds of Pennsylvania’s coronavirus deaths were at nursing homes or long-term care facilities. As of May 13, 2020, nearly 70 percent of the state’s coronavirus fatalities, 2,611 of 3,806, were in long-term care. (As of today, 12,546 of PA’s 24,169 COVID fatalities were in long-term care facilities; obviously, the percentage fell after the insane policy of seeding disease carriers into nursing homes was discontinued.)

At the same time people were dying in Pennsylvania’s nursing home, Levine took “her” own mother out of a long-term care facility and placed her in a hotel.

And yet, knowing that there would be questions about Levine’s decision, the Biden Administration still chose to elevate “her” anyway. Why? Because it was more important to have a visible symbol of the Left’s support for, and commitment to, rebellion against the created sexual order. That tells us it is very, very important to them to signal their support for transgenderism.

As I argued here, Bible-believers need to defend the fact that God created only two sexes, and that sex is assigned at birth, not chosen later on, just as vigorously as we defend the fact that God created the world in six days.

But it is actually worse than mere support for transgenderism. Under questioning by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, “Rachel” Levine would not speak against hormone blockers and sex-change surgery on minor children without the consent of the parents:

Rand Paul Questions Rachel Levine about mutilation of minor children

“American culture is now normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics. Dr. Levine, you have supported both allowing minors to be given hormone blockers, to prevent them going through puberty as well as surgical destruction of a minor’s genitalia. . .. The American college of Pediatricians reports that 80 to 95% of pre-pubescent children with gender dysphoria will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to medical intervention and social affirmation. Dr. Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?”

Levine never answers the question, but dodges it. Senator Paul’s question is too politically correct, because no one can change his sex, only engage in some degree of mutilation on scale from minor to radical. Obviously, no minors should ever be allowed to take puberty blockers, or to amputate their breasts or genitalia, even with parental consent.

We don’t allow minors to smoke, drink, get permanent tattoos, serve in the military, or make other significant life-changing decision, certainly not without parental consent, as this meme illustrates.

A society that will not protect its own children has crossed a line:

“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. . . . because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.” Deut. 18:10-11.

If we continue to promote the sacrifice of children on the alter of government mandated sexual rebellion, we can expect God’s judgment.