Time to Reopen the Churches . . . again

Here is an interesting graph that explains why conservative governors, like Texas Governor Greg Abbott, are re-opening their states:

It also shows that the lockdowns did very little, if anything, to stop the spread the China Virus. This virus behaved much like the flu, flattening out during summer, then spiking during the late fall/winter flu season. In other words, it ignored our feeble amelioratory efforts and did what it was going to do anyway. We might as well do what we should be doing anyway.

The graph also shows that this was never a threat to the under 18 crowd, and there was never any reason to keep schools closed.

Here is another fascinating graph:

So in the last three flu seasons, an average of 175 children died of flu. This year, one. We didn’t stop the China virus, but we virtually wiped out flu. Only about 0.1 percent of flu tests are coming back positive, compared with 20 to 30 percent at this time in other years. Only about 450 adults died of flu, compared to about 22,000 last year.

I’m just glad we live in a country where hospital reporters would never reclassify flu cases as COVID deaths in order to receive the $10,000 bounty (or whatever it is up to now); that would never happen here, thank goodness.