Who Are Christians Fighting?

Who are we siding with? For the Christian, we know that  the great battle is not with each other but against unseen forces of evil. 

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

So why are we fighting each other?

We see senseless violence on a day-to-day basis. Now we we see organized violence. It seems that people have lost their minds. I would say that they have. 

Not only has physical violence erupted but verbal violence has become a thing where even Christians demonstrate hate and engage in such an abomination that it goes against the very name that they carry. 

Recently, while engaged in conversations about the protests and the discussions online, I recalled a story in Scripture and I remembered something from my past. Suddenly it clicked. 

We live in a society today where many people rarely think for themselves. People just tend to follow whatever is popular or mainstream as they now say. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad it’s the new rage so “Let’s do it.” 

From the Prayer of Jabez, to the Harlem Shake Dance, to Pokemon Go, to the Ice Bucket Challenge, to madcap social justice causes and Twitter mobs, pop-culture Adventists have come to the aftermath of George Floyd and its organized chaos. Innocent people are being hurt and businesses are being demolished all under the garb of ‘justice.’ Now there are many who did not partake in violent protest, but it was still instigated. 

The media focused on the troublemakers. And we saw peaceful protest quickly turn violent. So much so that people were killed and vandalism happened and that was quickly forgotten or explained away. While speaking to people on both sides I find a lot of hatred particularly on one side. While both sides have valid points it seems one side is driven more by emotion rather than reasoning.  You can guess which side.

Many protestors I’ve spoken to are Christian and they have used the death of Jesus Christ to prove their side is right and that their people are being hung just like Jesus. 

As they used this term over and over a simple thought came to mind: “Ok, if your fight is like Jesus then why are you not acting like him?” I asked this question and explained how Jesus didn’t fight back in this way. He didn’t speak back in the manner that they were. He didn’t do anything because His true mission was to share the gospel which is the only way to save someone from sin. 

Jesus’ message was not reform of government. It was reform of a person’s mind. Emotion, passion and violence can not change the mind for the good because it doesn’t work that way. 

The responses I got back were being called racist and bigot amongst other things I won’t mention here. Then I thought more about the trial and death of Jesus. 

I remember reading a book called Desire of Ages. The author points out that those following Jesus in his trial and death were actually those who days before packed the streets shouting “Hosanna!” They acknowledged Jesus as the messiah. Kinda like a peaceful protest because they were going against what the religious teachers taught. But something changed because later these same people would shout “Crucify him!!”


Now we may think this is the big picture, but there is more detail. Among the crowd, the book says was a mixture of demons disguised as humans who started the chant. Ponder that, for a moment.

And all along the path to the cross these demons kept the people in an emotional uproar of violence. So much so that they led an innocent man—who is their Messiah and Savior—to his death because they allowed their minds to be infiltrated by unholy emotion. Today, we see innocent people being killed by the protestors. We see others being spiritually killed by their own brethren on social media. 

Could it be that the people who are fighting now for what they believe is a just cause started with great intent to do right. Now they are being led by a false premise because their ranks have been infiltrated by a host of demonic forces? 

I would say “Yes” because they are being led by emotion, and their actions also say “Yes!” Even if the majority are not taking physical action with violence the rest are taking to verbal abuse of others who don’t share their opinion. Many Christians are joining a battle which is not being led by the Spirit of Christ. Many Christians are backing a movement which goes against biblical teachings. 


Are we seeing an exact replica of what happened at the trial and death of Jesus? Except this time He is not being physically crucified; rather, His professed followers are misrepresenting His character. 

What will happen in greater troubles when these same spirits will tell us God’s Word is wrong? Will we be so easily deceived as I believe we are now? 

Satan will use every opportunity to seduce men from their allegiance to God. He and the angels who fell with him will appear on the earth as men, seeking to deceive. God’s angels also will appear as men, and will use every means in their power to defeat the purposes of the enemy — Manuscript Releases 8:399 (1903). – {LDE 160.2} 


Rey Chavez is a graduate of AFCOE and simple man who wants everyone to know about Jesus. He’s a father of four and a speaker in his hometown. He has spoken across the US and is currently using his Facebook group Biblical Thinking as way to spread the message. 

Rey Chavez 
Albuquerque, NM 
Volunteer Representative for Amazing Facts/It is Written Ministries
Bible speaker/Bible Teacher