News (last 30 items)
We called the General Conference office today and spoke with the online media department. The lady we spoke with concluded that an error was made by the people who manage and update the GC Session website.
Few would ever have thought that the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the bastion of religious liberty, would ever be implicated in such an egregious violation of its founding principles.
With Vine and Kelly out, there is evidence that Michigan administrators will now crusade against pastors that spoke out against what Micheff was doing to the Village Church. Look for it.
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 2:16, 17).
The momentum regarding the Covid vaccine saga has shifted measurably in the last 16-months. The courts now favor those who were coerced and violated by autocratic states and institutions.
Our new location this year will be at beautiful Encounter Cove on Lake of the Ozarks. Come and enjoy inspiring present-truth messages, Bible study, children's programs, recreation, plant-based meals, and fellowship, all in a relaxing outdoor setting.
Triggered students at Walla Walla University are protesting what they describe as discrimination against LGBTQ+ students by university administration.
Failure to do this housecleaning will result in other abuses of authority throughout the conference, and indeed throughout the entire world church. It is an act of urgent spiritual hygiene.
I believe these next four years are an opportunity for the Adventist Church to come out strong and vibrant by rediscovering what's been left behind in our health message.
In a chilling blow to religious freedom, Amish children in New York are now being forced to receive vaccinations against their families’ deeply held beliefs—under threat of massive fines and exclusion from their own private schools.
“America's precious freedom of religious belief and practice is in danger of being destroyed by those who would force the conscience of the minority to conform to the wishes of the majority.”
"Upon learning of the detention., the Ohio Conference immediately placed the employee on administrative leave."
Over half of the Christian Reformed churches now ordain female elders. Right on schedule, now the clamor in the CRC is for LGBTQ acceptance.
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience healing, restoration, and truth in a setting designed to uplift, educate, and inspire. Mark your calendars and join us for a life-changing event!
The percentage of Americans professing Christianity has stabilized over the last 6 years at around 62%.
There is a time in life for everything, and now is the time for me to step aside, to make way for fresh leadership to build on the accomplishments of these years together, and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit into a new chapter of ministry.
In this interview with Ben Carson, Ron Kelly, and Arthur Martin, they discuss the broader ramifications of Covid and how it was handled by the US government and the General Conference.
We affirm that it is our Christian duty to obey the lawful commands of the civil magistrate and be subject to their authority (Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13-14). To counsel otherwise is a sin.
In late 2004, an 83-ton block of granite was shipped to Southern Adventist University. This was the largest stone ever shipped out of Vermont, according to the Rock of Ages quarry.
Universities like Andrews join Climate Change initiatives under a guise of creation care, but it’s actually a sprint for a world government. If you cant see that you haven't been paying attention.
WHEREAS Elder Micheff prevented the medical missionary work at the Village SDA Church from going forward until our church separated itself from Elder Vine.
In a year’s time, I believe we will look back on this difficult period, and say “They meant it for evil, and God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20).
There’s only one problem with this guy’s theology: Everything. The Bible itself calls Him ‘Lord’, ‘Savior’, ‘King’ - and it’s not open for debate or censorship based on what anyone feels or thinks.
We are concerned that these administrators may be applying double standards in their dealings with the Village Church on the one hand, and Andrews University on the other hand.
While the General Conference Adventist Health Ministries supported the Covid vaccine and mandates; Barbara O’Neill was opposed to compulsory vaccination or any coercive policy to encourage vaccination.
The Village Church elders suggested that a meeting between Ron Kelly and Jim Micheff occur in a private place with the participation of a third party from the General Conference. That suggestion was rejected by Micheff.
How will this message shape the closing chapters of Earth’s history and prepare a people to live faithful, courageous and Christlike lives in the time of the end?
President Trump will no longer abide federal funding for the sexual mutilation of minor children
John Stevens was so opposed to my litigation to vindicate the rights of this professor that he sought to get the Adventist Church to file a friend of the court brief against me and in support of the University of Detroit.
The cancellation of Ron Kelly by NNSW shows how administrator’s first instinct is to protect the administration even if there is no threat. It also reveals how insincere they are in treatment of those who fall afoul of the hierarchy.