Social Justice - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Dr. Eric Walsh reveals the media's hidden spiritual agenda and its impact on social justice and politics of the day. 

 Transcript of the first ten minutes.

“We want to jump right in what do you think is causing witchcraft to rise in the US? 

In our last session we talked about the media's influence and how children are being exposed to it.  I mean simple television shows like Dora the Explorer to Disney Fantasia where Mickey Mouse is a wizard have introduced witchcraft and of course the massive popularity of books like Harry Potter and the movies that spin off of that. 

There are tons of different ways that children are exposed to this.  What we find is as kids get older into adolescence they are being trained to question almost every form of establishment. 

Witchcraft Is On The Rise.  When kids see instability one of the things that happens is they actually turn to Witchcraft.  The Bible says “Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft.”

There's some connection there. That’s what I think we're beginning to see.  It's growing so fast that it is in many ways outpacing other religions.   

People who used to be in a organized religion are now calling themselves Nones, or they're being categorized that way because they don't have a religion at all. 

Witchcraft is increasing also because they see it as a revolutionary weapon against theEstablishment. There is a lack of control that they're sensing in their lives that's causing them to look for power in these forms of Witchcraft.  I would say a lack of control, a lack of purpose and then what the world says is important.  It is very selfish, it's your truth it's all about you.  And so witchcraft tells them that they get power from the inside.

Interestingly, a lot of times it overlays with Catholicism.  In one of the articles I read, the woman got into witchcraft but remained practicing Catholicism, so it's the blend that we see in Revelation chapter 16.  

All of these things are beginning to happen, and they're frightening things when you step back and look at them—frightening in the sense that people are really asleep. They don't know what's going on and yet they believe they do. There's another piece—it's this social justice movement. 

One of the books I’ve read is Revolutionary Witchcraft (by Sarah Lyons).  This book is a feminist guide to using spells in incantations and so forth to overthrow the patriarchy, the establishment, whatever you want to call it.  So you start creating a world where the new spiritual currency is social justice.  It’s fighting against those who are supposedly tyrannical, old school, closed-minded etc.  Here enters the anti-religion to Christianity.  It is witchcraft.  

I've actually had patients who have said to me “you know I wanted this guy or whatever and so I went and did some spell to get him.  A love bind.  I'm like, “I feel sorry for the guy..”

It’s what happens when you remove God from the center of a society and culture.  Something is going to fill that void. And in some respects it all comes back to me, to self.  Here's the key word, it's Pride.  If you go to Ezekiel 16:49 the Bible says this was the sin of your sister Sodom.  What was the number one sin?  Pride, fullness of bread, she was idle and she did not take care of the poor and needy. Then Bible says and then she committed abomination.  Abomination came after what started it.  Pride.  It was about self at the end of the day.  Spiritualism is an exercise in self-worship. 

The Civil Rights Movement was born out of the Christian church and the principles of Christ.  It was a nonviolent movement which basically was hung on the principle of turn the other cheek.  Fundamentally it was listen no matter what they do to us we're going to remain nonviolent and the world will see wickedness for what it is and it will change.  That's exactly what happened. 

But that's not the mantra now.  In fact I have slides in some of my talks where they basically say this is not your mother's civil rights movement or your grandmother's Civil Rights Movement.   

You could be sitting in a restaurant and they come storming in on people who have nothing to do with anything—chanting and yelling and screaming and disrupting the person's meal.  That's not Godlike, that's not Christlike. 


Black Lives Matter is a spiritual movement, this movement is born out of a lot of the practices of West African to be blunt, West African Voodoo. And the founders themselves are very much feminist.  In fact, they took the page down off the BLM website but I saw it with my own two eyes. 

It was anti-nuclear family, as if a man wasn't needed to be in that family — I'm sure you can find it somewhere online. Why is it relevant?  

Because I was in a meeting with a formerly high ranking US government official (I'm trying to be careful because I want to say the story without saying who I'm talking about) and I'll never forget one of the people who were activists for a certain Community.  I remember them saying we have to destroy the black church. They were saying this loud— I was at this next table—we were all in the same group where I was on a committee.  They were saying we have to destroy the black church because the black church is still preaching things that should no longer be preached.  Obama went into black churches and actually said hey you guys got to stop speaking against certain things (LGBTQ?). 

Fast forward to 2020 and you have pastors pumping their fists at a black lives matter meeting in LA, as they call up the spirits of those that have been killed by the police as they pour out Libations.  They call on Nigerian goddesses, and here are black Pastors in fact some of our own, entangled in this necromancy.  You can't live in both worlds.”


“To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20).