Quo Vadis TV Joins Adventist Satellite Lineup

A new station has joined the Adventist satellite television universe: Quo Vadis TV. It has actually been broadcasting since last November, but it was new to me and will be new to most of you. Quo vadis is Latin for “where are you going?”

The website is: quovadisministry.org and all programming also streams on that site.

The mailing address in the U.S. is: Quo Vadis Ministry, P.O. Box 289 Lynden, WA 98264. The address in Canada is: P.O. 10137, Langley BC V4W BZ5

QVTV can be found on Satellite Galaxy 19, which also hosts Hope TV, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Loma Linda Broadcasting Network (LLBN), Amazing Facts, and Amazing Discoveries.

Since I have an Adventist satellite dish which pulls down Galaxy 19, I tried to find the station, but couldn’t. So I telephoned their toll free number (1-888-786-8234) and asked for help. The very kind lady stated that QVTV was slotted in where 3ABN Proclaim used to be, and if I would scroll down to 3ABN Proclaim I would find QVTV. I did as she said, and there it was.

I mentioned that I was one of the principals of the Internet ministry Fulcrum7 and might publish a short news item about their ministry. She replied, “Oh, I know Gerry Wagoner! He is one of our speakers.” So I checked the schedule posted on their website and, sure enough, Gerry’s sermon, “Twiddling Your Thumbs” is being broadcast three times today, and his sermon, “And Such Were Some of You” will be broadcast three times tomorrow. Gerry must be too modest (or too embarrassed) to tell me that he is now a television preacher.

Other speakers featured on QVTV include Andreas Mellas, Don McLafferty, Brandon Senior, Mike Dant, Norman Byers, Gabriel Arruda, Joyce Choe, Phillip Sizemore, Fred Bischoff, Joel Kratzke, and Jennifer Arruda.

The ministry is being helmed by Wenzel Goubej, who in 1992 convinced Walter Veith to go into public speaking. He and his wife Dagmar founded the “Amazing Discoveries” ministry and TV channel. They stepped away from that ministry in 2017.
