Newsom Signs AB 1955; Musk Moves Out of California

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that will prohibit school districts from notifying parents if their child begins using cross-gender pronouns or identifies as a different gender than their birth sex, or what is shown in the child’s school records.

Trans activists within the school bureaucracy want to be able to groom and sexually confuse your children without you knowing about it. In California, thanks to Assembly Bill 1955, they now have that right. You, as a parent, have no right to be told what the groomers, whom you are forced to support with your taxes, are doing to your children.

We know all to well what this grooming leads to: surgical mutilation of breasts and genitals, puberty-blocking drugs, permanent psychological damage, teenagers made sterile for life, unable to ever have children or even an orgasm. This is sick, twisted stuff, so it is no surprise that the state-funded commissars do not want parents to know what they are doing.

It is now clear that the Left prioritizes rebellion against the created sexual order more highly than anything else, maybe even including promoting abortion, the murder of the unborn in the womb, which was long the most holy sacrament of the Democratic Party.

Elon Musk has had enough. Basta! Musk just announced he is moving his businesses out of California to Texas. “I did make it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago,” posted Musk, “that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children.”

“This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.” Starbase is located in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, near Boca Chica and Port Isabel.

Musk also announced that “X”, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, a publicly traded corporation that Musk purchased two years ago for $44 billion and then took private, will be moving its headquarters from Palo Alto, California, to Austin, Texas.

Why is Musk so upset about this law? It turns out that Musk has personally had a tragic experience with gender ideologues. He has fathered twelve children, including six with his first wife, Justine Wilson. Their first child died of SIDS, then they had fertility treatment-assisted twins and triplets. One of their twin boys, Xavier Alexander Musk, was being educated at a “progressive” school in Los Angeles named “Crossroads.” The groomers got to Xavier, and he came out as a transgender girl at the age of 16; then, at age 18 when he was legally able to do so, he legally change his name to “Vivian Jenna Wilson.” This family disaster was just 2 years ago, so it is fresh on Musk’s mind.

California Republicans are complaining, but because of California’s mail-out/mail-in election system, California is permanently and unshakably under Democrat control. So complain is all that Republicans can do:

“Gavin Newsom’s anti-parent agenda isn’t just bad for families – now it’s doing serious damage to California’s economy,” California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher said in a statement. “With the highest unemployment rate in the nation, you’d think our governor would be doing everything possible to protect jobs. Instead, he’s pandering to extremists in his party by cutting parents out of their kids’ education and driving even more businesses to pack up for other states.”

Assemblyman Bill Essayli told Fox News Digital that radical gender ideologues in Sacramento are costing the state thousands of jobs and millions in tax revenue.  “They show no sign of stopping,” he said. “Democrats in Sacramento are to blame for the ongoing attack on families, businesses, and common sense across California. I have committed my tenure in the Legislature to fight against the radical Democrat agenda that is pushing leaders like Elon Musk to leave our once Golden State. We must restore common sense in Sacramento.”