At his farewell gathering at the Village Church, pastor Ron Kelly was not allowed to speak, and it was not allowed to be livestreamed. Today, Ron Kelly issued a long awaited update on what happened to him in Michigan, and more importantly what to look for in the future.
Thousands of people have asked how they could support Ron Kelly in the wake of their mistreatment by the Michigan Conference. Here is one way:
Conrad Vine is moving his membership to a church in Maine. It was announced during the Village Church meeting last Sabbath.
With Vine and Kelly out, there is evidence that Michigan administrators will now crusade against pastors that spoke out against what Micheff was doing to the Village Church. Look for it.
Tyrannical regimes often begin by suppressing opposing voices, controlling information, and dismantling institutions that uphold freedom of conscience (Village Church et al). Once people can no longer express their opinions or challenge authority without fear, other freedoms—such as the right to assemble, a fair judicial process, and democratic governance—quickly erode as well.
It is our expectation that the new ministry endeavors of Ron Kelly and Conrad Vine will become champions of liberty of conscience, genuine compassion for members, and a reliable source for religious liberty information that the General Conference PARL Department is no longer capable of providing.
Conrad Vine’s speaking schedule is regularly updated on his new website. You will not want to miss his presentations at the State Line SDA Church camp meeting next Sabbath.
Links for These Two Faithful Brothers:
Ron Kelly’s YouTube channel HERE
Donate to Ron Kelly HERE
Conrad Vine’s website HERE
Conrad Vine’s new Facebook page HERE
Donate to Conrad Vine’s new ministry HERE
“For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages” (1 Timothy 5:18).