Steve Wohlberg and Two Other Christians Defend The Trinity in a Podcast

A spiritual war is raging over biblical truth. Watch Pastor Steve, Johnny Cirucci, and Bill Munsell discuss this controversial topic.

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SDA Truth Discussion Trinity 

Other Christians discovered SDA non trinitarian videos on youtube. Note their observations.

Johnny at the top right says that it reminds him of the Worldwide Church of God belief. He is exactly correct. This denomination was started by a couple people who were influenced by the Church of God Seventh-day in Oregon. The belief in two divine persons (binitarian) and NOT a third person of the Godhead was an early SDA view only because some of our most influential men came out of the Christian Connection Church. Our leaders would become clear on the biblical trinity when Desire of Ages was published in 1898. Here's a bit more on this history:

“I was in the same place that Brother Daniells was, and was taught the same things [that Christ was the beginning of God’s creative work, that to speak of the third person of the Godhead or of the trinity was heretical] by authority, and without doing my own thinking or studying I suppose [sic] I was right. But I found out something different.” (1919 Bible Conference Transcripts, July 6, 1919, 58.)


White Horse Media

“For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one” (1 John 5:7-8).