I suggest ADRA uses this opportunity for a sustained period of introspection, and look for a way to wait on tables (Acts 6:2) that doesn't include feeding at a government hog trough.
Read moreWill We Humble Ourselves and Surrender to God?
Will God pour out His Spirit upon a divided church? The question many in the church have is, will the next GC Session end with the church still divided over WO and other issues? What will it take to unite us?
Read moreThe Forgotten Reformation
At the end of the disputation, the council ruled that Zwingli was in the right, and that all unbaptized infants were to receive baptism within 8 days, or their parents were to be banished from Zürich.
Read moreThe Ron Kelly Farewell Event Felt More Like a Funeral to Me
Kingly power has been wielded against both the elders and the congregation. And now, many are left hurting. Two men of God have been wronged, and their families suffer alongside them.
Read moreTo The Editors of Fulrum7 And My Fellow Adventist Church Members
It is imperative that we church members let our voices be heard and cry out openly about the abuse of power that has taken place in our conference.
Read moreLet’s Revive the Protestant Reformation
The ramifications of that excommunication were brutal to our family. However, the anguish that was caused by the loss of all we knew and held dear God was able to use for good.
Read moreSo, What is The Church?
Over time, an organization can become a complex multi-layered structure that limits efficiency and slows down decision making. We call that a bureaucracy.
Read moreThe Church May Appear as About to Fall But it Does Not Fall . . .
This is most significant. The “church” that may appear as about to fall is a “remnant” (her own words) that is present at the time of the imposition of Sunday laws.
Read moreExchanging Truth for Lies
Puberty can blur the pages of Scripture. So can willful blindness by adults who think that rather than discussing God’s holy sexuality and His intentions, we’ll all somehow find our way.
Read moreRon Kelly and the Future of Adventist Mission
What do I tell my conservative leaning young adult friends who felt that Village Church and Pastor Kelly were a lifeline to a denomination that they felt viewed them as discardable? “Toe the line, or get out!” ??
Read moreWhy Did God Make Men ?!?
She said, with great frustration. “Why did God make men?!?!!?” Her husband stood over by their minivan with his head down, pretending to be fiddling with the gas door flap. He was embarrassed.
Read moreThe Good Ship Zion
Like Paul, we are prisoners of Jesus Christ. We’re sailing on rough seas. It looks like the ship will be lost, broken into pieces by the winds of false doctrines and the waves of strife. Let the Holy Spirit enlighten your understanding.
Read moreADRA President Michael Kruger Will Step Down on April 1
Kruger will be taking on a new role as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Adventist Healthcare White Oak in Calverton, MD.
Read moreAn Open Letter to Church Leaders
I am a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, the grandson of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, A.D. McKee. I have always believed the Seventh-day Adventist message and I believe it now more than ever.
Read moreMy Positive Experience With Adventists in Guatemala
Worldly influences to a certain degree have been kept out of the church compared to many churches in the States and abroad. People are hungry for Bible truth.
Read moreDear Mrs. Dee: The Mountains are Calling
Soon the truth surfaced – racism – and Mrs. Dee’s husband perched up on his seat angrily. Since it was the proverbial elephant in the room we were now in a conversational impasse.
Read moreInterview with Ivan Raj About the "Will You be Made Whole?" Conference in Phoenix
"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
Read moreTruth Over Lies: A Christian Reflection on Sexuality and Faith
Research by myself, theologians and Biblical scholars has not uncovered references to a person’s “sexual orientation” in Scripture. It’s not there.
Read moreYou Might Be an SDA Deep State Redneck If . . .
And remember that the goal of a deep state is: Self-preservation at all costs. The Second Coming threatens the SDA Deep State, and every cause and consequence of sin in our hearts.
Read moreA Response to Pastor Mark Howard From a Former Church Member
I have yet to see an humble and sincere effort to admit any wrongdoing on the part of church leadership and I believe this would go a long way toward healing the rifts in our church.
Read more