Reason #3179 Why We Shouldn't Have Women Pastors

Back in October 2021, the Central States regional Conference in Kansas ordained Kimberly Bulgin as a pastor. This was in the Mid-America Union. A year later, she became a pastor at the Denver Park Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Last Sabbath, she delivered a sermon titled “Go Big or Go Home.” The sermon is essentially a political campaign for Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democrat Party nominee for president of the United States. This campaign ‘sermon starts at 42:50. Enjoy:

Points to Ponder

When did the Seventh-day Adventist church stop being a church and become a political action committee??

Over the last 30 + years, the Adventist Church’s Religious Liberty department has become increasingly hostile towards conservatism and increasingly intimate with political leftism.  Why do you think this is?

While Adventist eschatology was derived from theological conservatism; liberals in the church are using it to advance political liberalism. For them, anti-racism has mutated into anti-conservatism.

Admittedly, some of the ‘religious right’ were too political in the past, and Adventist progressives adopted left-wing politics to resist them.  Over time our PARL departments became overtaken by polilibs (political left liberals).  They formulated a peculiar animus against conservatism and other Christians in general, and emphasized a liberal version of our eschatology to justify their left-wing politics.

When Dan Jackson said Social Justice is the gospel, was he really saying there is no difference between the Advent Message and politics?

As the NAD leaders align themselves with the left-wing political party, the solution for us who still care about the Everlasting Gospel is not to join the other party, but maintain an apolitical death-grip on the amazing Adventist Message expressed in the Three Angels' of Revelation. 


“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh” (2 Cor. 10:3