Brendan Paul Valiant (great name) is a long time member at the Kingscliff SDA Church in New South Wales Australia, where he also teaches Sabbath School.
The Kingscliff Church has been monitoring Brendan’s Facebook page, where he has questioned the pastor’s Covid restrictions and the inconsistent mask rulings of the Australian government, under the auspice of religious liberty. For instance, Brendan recently wrote:
I've had people speak about me behind my back for my stance on liberty when it comes to masks and vaccines because these things are not matters of "religious liberty". The retort is often made that the Government is not encroaching on the Church so why should we speak out? This is an extremely ignorant position. Here are some considerations:
1. FORCED masks and vaccines go against religious liberty because the body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit. People need to have liberty on how they treat their own body including access to fresh air and what goes into their bodies.
2. The Church was treated differently to large businesses by having more severe limitations not placed on secular streams. This type of discrimination is forbidden in the Australian constitution.
3. At present, state governments such as the NSW Government are imposing restrictions on the free expression of worship, mandating that masked singers at the front can sing, but masked and socially distanced members of the congregation cannot. This is EXACTLY what we were told to watch out for.
These laws and restrictions are unconstitutional and it is the duty of every freedom-loving person to uphold their constitutional rights in the face of these attacks on religious liberty.
Practice lawful dissent wisely!
Brendan reached out to us today to provide details. He had this to say,
My criticisms of the pastor have included how he approached the entire China virus situation, how he unilaterally closed board meetings and how he has buried a bad NCD report that reflected poorly on his leadership. I have attempted the first steps of Matthew 18 with him, [to no avail]. He used his position as chairman of the business meeting to stop me from taking the matter to the church in accordance with Matthew 18.
The Kingscliff SDA Church responded by calling for a church business meeting so Brendan could be disciplined. They also threatened him with being removed by police if he didn’t wear a mask to church. Here is the July 22 letter,
Oddly, instead of waiting for the church business meeting to give the matter a fair hearing, the Kingscliff Church board issued another letter the next day (July 23) removing Brendan from his position as Sabbath School teacher. One of the provisions of our church manual is that a person is innocent until proven guilty, but that is not being followed here. Apparently, he received a phone call from one of the church board members on that same day:
Just received a phone call asking me to step down from teaching Sabbath School prior to my discipline meeting, though it was acknowledged that I cannot be forced until I am censured or disfellowshipped. I will be teaching the next 3 Sabbaths as is my voted duty.
I was also told that police or someone else would be there to remove me if I don't wear a mask even if I have an exemption.
I was also told that Kingscliff Church plans to violate the freedoms contained in Section 94H of the Privacy Act 1988 by FORCING everyone to sign in at the Church.
I will comply, but I will also be lawfully dissenting.
The second letter:
Our Commentary
Australia has imposed numerous unusual heavy-handed rules on their people in the wake of the Covid virus. On July 20, the chief health officer of New South Wales told Australians that they should not engage in conversation with each other even if they are wearing masks. How very odd.
On July 21, Australian MP, Frank Pangallo, said that “unvaccinated people in the community will need to be controlled and restricted.” In other words, those who refuse to take the vaccine should become second class citizens, be discriminated against and remain under de facto lockdown indefinitely.
This Whuhan virus has brought to the surface an almost demonic lust for power in many leaders. Such tyrannical notions would have been unheard of just a year ago.
In some cases, the SDA church has joined in this desire for power over people (such as the Kinsgcliff SDA Church). Look for it, and avoid it in your own life. Also, feel free to peruse Brendan’s Facebook page and draw your own conclusions.
Some have indicated that Brendan. Valiant was of the anti-trinitarian school of thought in the past. According to him, he renounced that erroneous belief years ago.
We will try to post an update after the August 10 business meeting.