“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 2:16, 17).
Read moreWoke Walla Walla University Students Protest 'Discrimination' Against LGBTQ+
Triggered students at Walla Walla University are protesting what they describe as discrimination against LGBTQ+ students by university administration.
Read moreVillage Church Letter to The Executive Committee Before They Fired² Ron Kelly
WHEREAS Elder Micheff prevented the medical missionary work at the Village SDA Church from going forward until our church separated itself from Elder Vine.
Read moreUpdate on Andrews University, Michigan Conference, and Village Church
We are concerned that these administrators may be applying double standards in their dealings with the Village Church on the one hand, and Andrews University on the other hand.
Read moreRon Kelly and Dave Fiedler Coming to Ardmore Oklahoma
How will this message shape the closing chapters of Earth’s history and prepare a people to live faithful, courageous and Christlike lives in the time of the end?
Read moreAn Exciting Event Is Coming in March
Some of the speakers are Ron Kelly, Neil Nedley, Charlie Kirk, Ben Carson, Dr. Joyce Choe, and Dr. Tim Reisenberger.
Read moreLoma Linda Recommends Surrogacy For Gay Couples
Gay partners may also choose to use a surrogate in order to have a child that is genetically related to one of the partners.
Read moreMichigan Conference Orders Village Church To Cancel Their Religious Liberty Weekend
There have been two dominant narratives in the past ten years: Cultural Marxism and COVID. Village Church has rejected and exposed both of these narratives, as a healthy Bible-based church should do.
Read moreVillage Church Postpones Business Meeting until January
At 7 AM on Friday morning, Jim Micheff called the head elder (Tom Wilson) of the Village Church. He said he was willing to meet with Ron Kelly and and the head elder sometime in early January.
Read moreThat Pastor's Meeting in Michigan Last Tuesday
“I’m not in the MI conference, but it certainly impacts my respect for any individual in this chain of command. Are there no adults in leadership anywhere in the church hierarchy willing to put a stop to this bullying?”
Read moreThe Christian Post Picks up The Ron Kelly Story
Corporate-loving Adventism will say that we should keep things like Michigan’s marginalization of Conrad Vine and Ron Kelly private so church members or the world won’t know about it.
Read moreVillage Church Board Requests That Pastor Ron Kelly Be Reinstated By January 2
“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.”
Read more30% of Young People Support Government Surveillance Cameras in Every Home
And it's not cameras in public places. It's about cameras inside every house in the country. How is it possible that so many people think this is a great idea?
Read moreThe Oregon Conference's Financial Troubles Continue
It looks like their financial troubles are not over. This week, there was a conference townhall meeting in Portland. Conference administrators announced another cut of 15 FTE’s from the conf office.
Read moreSDA Evangelist in Spokane Has To Conduct Baptisms in Mormon Church After Conference Bans Him From Using Adventist Churches
“UCC administration will not allow me to hold our baptism in an SDA church, because I spoke up about Bill Henson’s LGBTQ+ inclusion program here last spring.”
Read morePastor Doug Celebrates 30 Years at Amazing Facts
In 1994, Pastor Doug Batchelor took the reins at Amazing Facts International—and for the past three decades, God has blessed his bold yet down-to-earth leadership and preaching.
Read moreAnnual Council 2024 - Recommended Church Manual Changes
The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual is a book of the principles and regulations that guide the Church in its internal operations and in the fulfillment of its mission to the world.
Read moreJohn Kerry Condemns The First Amendment
When it comes to the Bible, conservatives say, “It is the text that matters.” Liberals often say they find meanings that are not the meaning asserted by the words, sentences, phrases themselves.
Read moreLoma Linda Pro-Catholic Discussion Will Continue In Spite of Being Canceled
I believe the real issue here is SDA Pop-Leftist disdain and dislike for the writings of Ellen White.
Read moreNew Jersey Pastor Ousted For Denying Our Understanding of The Seal of God and The Mark of the Beast
The New Jersey Conference is to be commended for removing a pastor who does not believe SDA biblical doctrine on matters of high significance.
Read more