A group of Seventh-day Adventists in Sweden sent an email to the General Conference on February 5, requesting that they remove ADCOM’s 2015 Vaccine Statement. Joel Mellin, who signed the email, was a Swedish Television personality for many years. He now teaches meteorology to commercial airline pilots, and recently opened his own company, a webshop at mellins.nu where they sell vegan food. Joel is a committed Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
The Original Email To The GC
We are a group of Seventh-Day Adventists in Sweden. We would like ADCOM to immediately detract all voted documents that are not valid, this including the vaccination statement made 2015. ADCOM does not have the authority to write such a theological statement. This is very clear from the working policy.
Joel Mellin
Brahegatan 63
563 32 Gränna
0390 - 300 42
The GC Responds
På mån, feb. 2022 klockan 19:20, Seventh-day Adventist Church
<info@contact.adventist.org> skrev:
Thank you for reaching out to us. We understand your concerns. Here is the link to the Seventh-day Adventist Church's statement regarding concerns on COVID-19, Church Governance, and Liberty of Conscience.
Thank you and God bless you.
- Hellen
Response to GC Email
And here is the response to the article that you linked to.
We therefore again kindly ask the ADCOM to take away (unpublish) the unauthorized statement about vaccination from 2015.
Joel Mellin
February 10 Response From GC PARL,
February 10 Response From Joel Mellin,
And I what I referred to was this article
that explains that ADCOM does not have the right to authorize it as a official statement. It is not something that they can nor should do. So our demand is still there; to take down the unvalid statement about immunization from 2015 and also other statements that ADCOM can not make. Only Annual Council or a General conference in session could make statements like this that speaks for the whole church. This is very clear from both a logical perspective, but also from the working policy.
Joel Mellin
Brahegatan 63
563 32 Gränna
0390 - 300 42
Bio: Joel Mellin is a meteorologist with a master’s in physics and has studied nutrition and social psychiatry. Nowadays he works full time in his ministry that consists of Mellins bakery, Mellins health food store and Mellins massage & health center. Joel is active in ASI Scandinavia.