NAD Called Convention Begins in Lexington

The North American Division hosts a convention every five years for pastors, chaplains, volunteer lay pastors, administrators, Bible instructors, seminarians, pastor’s wives, or the son or daughter of a pastor.

The last Called convention was held in Austin Texas in 2015, just prior to the GC Session. This year, the conference is being held on June 19-22 at the Central Bank Center in Lexington, KY.

Last night, the meeting opened with a presentation by Alexander Bryant, who was followed by Ty Gibson. The ever-caustic George Knight is speaking today.

Many pastors in North America are attending, with the exception of some really great ones—like Doug Batchelor and Stephen Bohr. Their biblical male leadership is particularly offensive to a Division obsessed with feminism. Secrets Unsealed is routinely denied exhibit hall space.

Kinship, the pro homosexual ‘Adventist’ group has a booth outside the Central Bank Convention Center, in Triangle park.

We are told that music is a big part of this event, with lots of guitars and a big drum set on stage.

We are not sure what the theme of this convention is, or if they have one. Since it is the NAD, we thought we would suggest a couple theme songs. These are suggestions only:

“Tie a Rainbow Ribbon Around the Old Woke Tree.”

“I can’t Get No…..Ordination.”

“You Aint’ Nothin’ But a Legalist”

“We Will, We Will, Mock You”

“An LGT Reign’s Gonna Fall”

There are some good speakers and visitors there, hopefully their message will outweigh the not-so-good ones. Stay tuned, and stay in God’s holy Word.


“Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean” (Ezekiel 22:26).