Below is a transcript of Ted Wilson’s Sabbath sermon today at Autumn Council.
There are sixteen points made, and number three dealt with biblical sexuality and the LGBTQ+ invasion into Adventism. At the close of his remarks on LGBTQ+, he addressed leaders, pastors, teachers, theologians, health care providers, and church members, including those watching online.
'“If you are unable for some reason to not fully trust this book (Bible), if you cannot accept the Word of God as it reads, I urge you to resign your position (loud applause filled the room). We want leaders who believe 100% in the Word of God” (more applause).
Here is the full Sabbath Sermon - Ted Wilson,
“If you go on line, you can hear all sorts of weird things—about me. We don’t worry about that. Because we’re chosen for mission. We have internal and external disagreements and denigrations of the Word of God. You are going to hear more about that this morning—the denigration and neutralization of God’s Word, and all kinds of other angry assaults, including false allegations against God’s work.
Various people twist facts and misrepresent the character of God’s church. Some people specialize in that. They live to make others look bad.
Our church members worldwide, represented by thirteen world divisions, get confused about societal trends and challenges to God’s Word. And these confusing interruptions derail God’s mission entrusted to the SDA church. For the next number of minutes lets look at some of the confusing interruptions [in our church] and some answers that will refocus us back on the full mission of the church.
Many of the items we will look at are going to be shared in Adventist World. People need to know. We are also producing short videos to help our members worldwide know Bible truth, and where we stand on issues. And that we are focused on God’s God’s commission since we are chosen for mission.”
Sixteen Confusing Interruptions by the Devil
Lack of understanding of the Bible, how to interpret it and antagonism against the Word of God. The SDA church believes in the authenticity and authority of the Holy Bible and it is to be applied to all people everywhere, for all time. The church accepts only the historical biblical or historical grammatical method of interpreting Scripture, allowing the Bible to interpret itself through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I want you to get it into your mind, we are under attack by the critical methods of Bible interpretation. Those methods are not God-focused, but rather humanistic. They are unacceptable to Seventh-day Adventists. In them, you become the determiner of what is truth and what is not. I urge you to use only the historicist approach when seeking to understand biblical prophecies. Not Preterism, not Futurism. “In the last days, the earth will be almost destitute of true faith” (SG 94). Do not be influenced by people in the [SDA] church who denigrate the Word of God.” We accept it as it reads!”
Confusion about the Godhead and Trinity. After this sermon, my assistants will receive messages “Why did Wilson say that?" He’s wrong,” We believe that there is one God [head] and He is comprised of three co eternal Persons who work together in unity. Fundamental Belief #2 is clear. This triune God wants to use you to help carry out this plan of salvation.
Misunderstanding About Human Sexuality. Sensitive topic. We should show respect and care for all people, but the Bible is CLEAR on God’s instructions for human sexuality. The Bible is clear that marriage is ONLY between one [biological] man and one [biological] woman. Aberrations in human sexuality are NOT acceptable to God. Not just LGBTQ, but adultery, licentiousness, bestiality, homosexuality, and other alternative sexual expressions. They are sin. Remember, we are all sinners at the foot of the cross. When we are dealing with these situations, deal with love, care and respect, but know what the Bible says [about them].
Unfortunately, some individuals today—even within the church—we are working with two divisions and their administrations to deal with current challenges in this [LGBTQ+] area. Let me tell you. None of you in all the world divisions are immune to this. Some people are twisting the Word of God, such as Romans 1:18-32. Some people are advocating that Romans 1 says what it does not say. Read the Bible as it reads. The worldwide SDA church does not and will not accept individuals as church members or elected church leaders who do not adhere to the Bible instruction for human sexuality. Do not bend to anyone who misuses the Bible instruction found in Romans 1, Leviticus 18, 20 and many other texts. You see, God’s Word tells us to stand firm on the instruction [the Lord] has given us on this subject and many other subjects. As with any sinful practice outlined in Scripture, we are to help people who come to our churches find full forgiveness and a new life at the foot of the cross (2 Corinthians 5:17). We can become new creatures in Jesus [Amen].
As Mark Finley says “It is not conversion therapy—in the technical pejorative sense it is described that we believe in—it is life changing biblical conversion. As Willy Oliver would say, ‘our church is not against anyone, we are for the Word of God!’ In our meetings earlier, [GCDO] we were reminded that Christ’s justifying righteousness and his sanctifying righteousness can never be separated. We serve a powerful God (Colossians 3:12). I say the following words in that spirit: People will try to twist the words of the Bible. Pastors, teachers, theologians, administrators, and even church members try to twist the words of the Bible. Paul tells us to not let anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit. Stay close to the Word of God.
We have many wonderful theologians in our church. The BRI is a wonderful organization, I have full confidence in them. But there are some theologians within our own ranks who are twisting the Word of God. Not as it reads. Stay away from them! (Proverbs 4.)
Leaders, pastors, teachers, theologians, health care providers, and church members… and those who are in this room, and those watching online…if you are unable for some reason to not fully trust this book (Bible), if you cannot accept the Word of God as it reads, I urge you to resign your position. [APPLAUSE]. We want leaders who believe 100% in the Word of God. [APPLAUSE].
Confusion on the Sanctuary Service and Righteousness by Faith. The earthly sanctuary service given by God to Moses is a direct copy of what is in heaven. It portrays the complete plan of salvation, showing God’s love and the great sacrifice of Christ. The earthly and heavenly sanctuary service are keys to understanding the process of salvation based on the righteousness of Jesus Christ. SDA’s should be the foremost in lifting up Jesus and His righteousness. Never let anyone say that we are legalists, we are committed to Christ’s righteousness. It is the very core of the three angels messages. In 1844 Christ entered the second apartment of the real heavenly sanctuary to begin the investigative judgment and is currently interceding as our high priest. He is our only path to eternal life. We are not saved by being vegans. Nancy and I try to be vegan and succeed at about a 95% level. We are certainly vegetarians, which I offer to you as well. We are not saved by that. We are not saved by our tithes and offerings. We are saved by the grace and power of Jesus Christ only.
Misconceptions About Biblical Creation. The SDA church believes that God created the earth recently in six literal days (like our days). I personally believe according to the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy that this earth is only about 6,000 years old. The seventh day Sabbath is the memorial of that incredible event.
False Doctrines. There are many. Some of them diminish sanctification. One false movement that is circulating our universities and college campuses is called Love Reality. It has false teachings about sanctification and justification. It is a derivative of once-saved-always-saved, which SDA’s do NOT believe. God loves you so don’t worry about your behavior… God’s love is very powerful but these false doctrines are very dangerous. Hear this. The SDA church is experiencing a sifting right now. Do not be tempted by false doctrines!
Loss of The Sense of Urgency in The Advent Movement. Many have lost their sense of urgency and hope in the Second Coming of Christ. The current deterioration of the world around us should awaken us to the sense of urgency. Three times in Revelation 22, Jesus indicated that He is coming quickly. Let us live with that sense of urgency. Fall at the foot of the cross and let God prepare you for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Loss of Identity as God’s Remnant Church. We are the remnant church of God, not just another denomination. We are called to lift up Christ by preaching those three angels messages—turning people back to the true worship of God. We are a unique movement, with a unique message for a unique mission. Do not be confused about God’s special Message. Let me speak to all union presidents (139 of them), you are the chairs of our educational institutions. Take an interest in what is being taught in those institutions, especially our religion classes. We need to realign and re-energize our institutions.
False Accusations about the Church’s Relationship With Ecumenism. The SDA church is NOT involved in compromising ecumenism with other religious bodies or movements. We believe in making friends with other religious groups. I meet many leaders and officials and try to end [almost] always with a prayer with these public leaders.
Challenges to the Authority of the Church. The church is built on a representative system guided by the Holy Spirit, and we will make decisions right in this room. When church decisions are made at the worldwide level on biblical and SOP instruction and guided by prayer, personal opinions are to be laid aside. When people and institutions rebel against the collective decisions of the church, the GC can not simply fire people or dissolve organizations without going through a process. The GC is not a command and control arrangement. There are disciplinary measures that can be used but the church works to bring people back to unity. The Bible and SOP are replete with guidance that we should accept decisions that are made by the world church in sessions. [We should use the tool we created to resolve these problems.]
Misunderstandings Regarding the Spirit of Prophecy. There are constant attacks on the SOP, which the author predicted in her writings. Read it and follow its instructions.
Lack of Understanding of the True Meaning of the Seventh Day Sabbath. Uplift the sanctity and sacredness of the seventh-day Sabbath.
Confusion Regarding The State of the Dead. The occult, mysticism and spiritualism are growing. The entertainment industry promotes spiritualism.
Confusion Regarding the Prophetic Understanding of Last day Events. Some people dismiss the historicist prophetic understanding of the SDA church. The beast from the sea is the papacy and the two horned beast is the United States. A threefold confederation of apostate protestantism, Roman Catholicism and spiritualism will develop into a loss of religious liberty as Sunday keeping is enforced. God will bring His people through a very difficult time.
Lack of Enthusiasm for Evangelism and Outreach. Share your faith in every possible way. Reject the Laodicean approach of doing nothing.
Neutralization of Christian Lifestyle Through Worldliness. Avoid worldly dress, music, eating, entertainment, and behavior etc. It is my observation that God is beginning His shaking and sifting of the Advent Movement. Let us live pure and simple lives in accordance with the Bible. Otherwise we are clouds without water and trees without fruit (Jude 12,13). This is the world in which we now live.
Regardless of these confusing interruptions, God is still in control of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”
“But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work” (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17).