General Conference Launches New Biblical Sexuality Website

On December 6, 2023, the General Conference (GC) of Seventh-day Adventists launched, which was designed and developed by the GC’s Human Sexuality Taskforce in efforts to help local and global church leaders address a wide range of topics that are impacting local churches and their communities. This new website provides insightful, biblically-based content that integrates faith, understanding, and guidance on the topic of human sexuality through the biblical lens of “love, truth, and life”.

The massive moral shift taking shape around us is fast eliminating any neutral ground on this issue. Those celebrating the moral normalization of homosexuality will demand an answer from us all.

It is clear that the next item on the liberal agenda for the SDA Church is the normalization of homosexuality. They're very bold and forthcoming about this on sites like Spectrum and AToday.

Cultural elites and progressives may never consider homosexuality shameful, but reminders that define marriage as one man and one woman serve a noble end by defining what is as what ought to be. We do not help each other in the fight for holiness when we allow for righteousness to look increasingly strange and sin to look increasingly normal.

It is our hope that the new website will serve as a stake in the ground on the shifting sands of morality, lifting high the banner of moral purity.

Stay sharp, love God and walk in Truth!


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 3:4).