Michigan Conference Holds Townhall Meeting Today At The Village Church

At 9 A.M. today, Jim Micheff and Justin Ringstaff from the Michigan Conference visited the Village Church in Berrien Springs for a Townhall Meeting. The parking lot and the sanctuary were both packed. It was shoulder to shoulder in the pews.

Here are a few highlights, shared with permission from attendees. There will be more details in a later article, however this is enough for now. Microphones were set up at the front left and right side of the sanctuary to accommodate audience feedback.

At the beginning of the meeting, Daniel Bacchiocchi read aloud a letter from Ron Kelly, to his church. He wrote it from Florida, where he traveled as an emergency the day after he was fired to be with his ailing and aging mother.

As the letter was read, there were many tears throughout the audience. At the end, the whole church stood and gave a spontaneous ovation. The letter,

This image was displayed on the screen as Ron Kelly’s letter was being read.

Jim Micheff made some remarks about the Conference’s decision to terminate Ron Kelly, and the microphones were opened for audience questions and commentary.

The second person to speak was Conrad Vine who — as an elder — was overseeing the right microphone. Here is his brief comment, in five parts.

Conrad 1
Conrad 2
Conrad 3
Conrad 4
Conrad 5

The meeting was supposed to last two hours. So large was the audience participation, that the meeting lasted just over three hours, and for the last hour, people were cut down to one minute of speaking, instead of two minutes. There were many, many interesting comments and we will share some of those later.

The meeting closed with prayer. More details will follow as they become available. Bonus video. You will like this.

Walk with the King, and be a blessing!


“Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly; Gather the elders And all the inhabitants of the land Into the house of the LORD your God, And cry out to the LORD” (Joel 1:14).