Unless you have been living under a rock, or hiding in a cave in the backwoods of Bolivia, you probably know about the turmoil in the Michigan Conference. Here’s a short summary of the last four years.
Covid came along in 2020.
Along with that pandemic came a slew of government overreaches, human rights abuses, mandates and coercions of conscience by power hungry officials all trying to out-nanny-state each other. Blue cities and states were the absolute worst abusers of human rights, believing as they do that big government(s) always know best.
I believe the unvaccinated are the heroes of the last four years. In the face of tremendous pressure they provided a control group in the great experiment of the Covid ‘vaccine’. Though marked for special persecution they stood firm in the face of ridicule, pressure, and coercion. In the SDA environ, the GC and ADCOM pitched their tent towards big pharma and genuflected to these government tyrants, believing they were virtuous for doing so.
SDA leaders believed they had logic, love and truth on their side and it was easy to wish ill upon the unvaccinated. They said we had not done the right thing for the ‘common good’ by handing our bodies and medical autonomy over to the state. A cast of hundreds including Fauci, Biden, Landless and Diop vilified the unvaccinated in public and fueled social media mobs, Review articles, and public opinion against them. Those of them who ridiculed and mocked the unvaccinated did it because because they were embarrassed by their courage and principles.
A Voice of Leadership and Clarity
In the midst of this crazy time, there were some sane voices that offered hope and courage to the church. The Village Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan was one of those, a star of clarity rising above the ashes of coercion and fear mongering of the branch Covidians. A letter from Romania today,
“I am from Romania and I learned about the unfortunate experience that Ron Kelly and his church are going through. He was a bright spot for us during Covid, and I ask that you give him our encouragement from Romania.”
You’re Fired
Ron Kelly was put on ‘administrative leave’ this past Wednesday (a nice way of saying “You’re fired”). This action was taken by the Michigan SDA Conference executive committee, chaired by Jim Micheff.
Along the way, the Michigan Conference (MISDA) tried to shut down the voice of Conrad Vine, strip him of his church offices, and blackmail the Village Church by withholding liability insurance from their new ministry building. Finally, in a crowning act of their vendetta against the light of liberty conscience at Village Church, they dismissed one of the best pastors in North America (Ron Kelly). We hear from people all over the world who were deeply encouraged by Ron Kelly and Conrad Vine in the last four years (and will be in the future). They are bitterly disappointed in MISDA.
Now the Updates
The Michigan Conference has selected an interim ‘pastor’ to take Ron Kelly’s place. Taariq Patel.
Cody Francis will attend the Village Church Sabbath services tomorrow and read a statement from MISDA in both services.
Jim Micheff will visit the Village Church on Sunday morning at 9 AM and make his case against Ron Kelly (presumably in Kelly’s absence). Micheff will probably make some time for questions. Be there.
The Michigan conference president is calling MISDA pastors to meet at the conference office on Tuesday,
If 30% of the churches in Michigan call for a special constituency meeting it will happen (and should). That will provide a format to question abuses of power and change the leadership structure in Michigan.
Many have expressed a desire to communicate with the MISDA Executive Committee. Your questions can be directed via email:
That’s the news from Michigan, where the lakes are frozen, and trust is melting. Keep praying, and keep the Commandments of God.
“I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us” 3 John 1:9).