Village Church to Host Prophecy Seminar on Revelation 17

The Berrien Springs Village Church, pastored by Ron Kelly, will be hosting a prophecy seminar on Revelation 17 on October 16 to 18, 2025 (not this fall, but next). The coordinator of the event is Conrad Vine, who also coordinated the series of seminars on Daniel 11.

Just now, we are the in the middle of the four month open period for submitting papers, which runs from June 1, to October 1st. The announcement states:

Considerable interest is re-awakening among Seventh-day Adventists regarding Revelation 17. The Revelation 17 Conference Steering Committee invites proposals for succinct papers that are relevant to identification of the woman and the 7 headed beast on which she rides. This call for papers seeks multifaceted contributions to the interpretation of Revelation 17. 

We welcome papers from different perspectives, including (but not limited to) OT & NT biblical studies, systematic theology, ecclesiology, ethics, church history and missiology. All papers to be presented will be posted on the accompanying Revelation 17 website before the conference. 

During the conference each presenter will be given 30 minutes to provide a summary of his or her paper, followed by a Q&A from those present and joining online. 

Since the conference is not until October of next year, I would request that Pastor Vine extend the time for submitting papers until the end of October of this year, since many of us are just now finding out about the conference.

UPDATE: note that only the title and 200 word abstract are due on October 1st. If your proposal for a paper is accepted, you will have until May, 1st 2025, to submit the completed paper. I hope some of our Fulcrum7 readers will submit proposals.

Guidelines for papers to be submitted are here.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written,


Babylon The Great,

The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Revelation 17:4-5