SDA Village Church Religious Liberty Meeting - Friday Night

My wife and I made the trip to Berrien Springs, from Piqua Ohio. On the way, we listened to a sermon by Conrad Vine titled Remnant, Respected or Regime Church? Maybe you’ve heard of it…it was the first time my wife had heard the sermon, and the first time I had listened to it all the way through. The sermon was quite good. I especially liked his treatment of the ADCOM global warming/climate change statements. These ridiculous statements by ADCOM called upon world leaders to do anything it takes to mitigate climate change. Talk about putting a sword in the hands of your enemies. Unbelievable nonsense.

We arrived at the Village Church thirty minutes before the meeting started at 6:30.

On the way in, a guy at the door said I couldn’t bring my computer briefcase in because no backpacks were allowed. I replied, “This isn’t a backpack, it has my computer in it. I’m reporting on the meeting.”
”We’re not allowing backpacks in, due to heightened security.”
”Do you mind leaving your briefcase in the car?”
(mild irritation ) “Yes, I do mind.”
”I’ll have to check with a pastor.”
”Go ahead. I’ll wait here.”
He comes back with a man named Conrad in tow. “Let him in with his briefcase, this is Gerry Wagoner from Fulcrum7.”

That whole scene was kind of…odd. I wonder why the heightened security?

We saw some friends from Dayton and got seats near them (there were plenty of seats available).

The meeting started with a welcome by Conrad Vine. He introduced the speaker, Jonathan Cherne, an attorney from California. Cherne did a great job explaining how he represents people who were discriminated against for their religious beliefs during Covid. He has 50 cases, 6 of whom have been settled favorably.

Jonathan Cherne

Jonathan Cherie has about 50 lawsuits going on for people who were mistreated during Covid. He is also the director of American Christian Ministries, a fine SDA ministry.

How are Covid vaccine cases going? In Districts, it depends on the judge. Some are unfriendly towards religious liberty, some are favorable. Circuits courts - going great. There have been repeated victories with circuit courts. Most clients pray before a trial. These are Christian people.

Jonathan had great opinions coming down, all courts ruled favorably except the New York second circuit (no surprise there).

Courts have to follow 9th circuit precedent. Circuits start on the east coast and work their way west. California etc is the 9th circuit.

Jonathan has settled six cases so far, out of fifty. Employers are starting to understand that if they lose a religious liberty case, it is expensive to the company. There is more pressure on the employer to settle. This is a real legal issue.

Record number of discrimination cases filed in 2022. During Covid, Religious Liberty (RL) leaders (including Seventh-day Adventist individuals) said this is not an RL issue. The judicial system understands that it IS an RL issue. They have said so in numerous rulings.

Religious Liberty issues are dependent on your personal convictions. Who am I to tell somebody else that God is not speaking to them in a certain way? Courts get this. When will our church, our leaders and RL people and pastors get this?

Before 2022, religious discrimination cases averaged 2,300 per year In 2022, it jumped to 13,000 religious discrimination cases. What caused this? COVID, and mandates. In 2023 it went back down to 4300.

There were even suits against the Department of Defense. The courts ruled against the Department of Defense, causing them to pay out 1.8 million in settlements.

The University of California, refused to allow student to re-enroll for classes in 2022 because he wasn’t C-jabbed. The student filed a suit against the school. A Judge issued a restraining order to let student enroll. Seeing that, the University changed their policy. Now 295,000 students have religious liberty at that school.

Courts get it. Juries get it. When will our church leaders get it? Next time it happens, employers better think twice about how they handle it.

Can false religious beliefs be accommodated? Such as creation? Many pro evolution jurists see creation as a false belief. Who decides if a belief is true or false?

What if you have political or scientific or or personal beliefs, will that negate an employer’s duty to accommodate your religious beliefs? Sixth circuit, says no.

Our church said the vaccine was not a religious liberty issue. They were wrong. A religious liberty issue is based on the individual, not their church. The SDA Church harmed a lot of people during Covid. Members were hung by those 2015 and 2021 statements. Some judges ruled against members because of those statements. They got it wrong. Our church got it wrong.

The solution is to retool or remove the Statements. Quickly. Because this kind of issue will come up again. Sincere religious belief is up to the person, not their church. The courts are now clear on this. The Sixth circuit overturned some bad judge decisions. Their said their duty is to take the individual for their belief.

Some judges said that because you are concerned about vaccine safety, that’s not a religious issue. Jesus on top of the temple, tempted by Satan. Safety issues might have a religious issue behind it.

8th circuit. Tinghofer vs Mayo Clinic. Judge got it wrong. Overturned.

Can employers force you to receive a medical treatment?

California constitution says you have a
Right to Privacy

  • Information privacy

  • Autonomy privacy.

Employees do not forfeit the right to privacy by virtue of being employed. You have anatomical privacy, the courts have ruled in California (a state hostile to Christian freedom).

The Ninth Circuit said Covid jabs were not a traditional vaccine. Oh? Do tell. Employers cannot mandate. The principle of vaccination is to prevent the spread of disease and C-jabs do NOT prevent the spread of Covid (my Firestone roofing sales rep was forced to get the jab or lose his job. He got the jab and also got Covid three times after that. Ridiculous. The Ninth Circuit got it right.

A doctor talked about health and the microbiome. He did a fabulous job! I left thinking I should have melon for breakfast, instead of eggs, or something sugary. I am convinced!

The crowd was pretty thin tonight. Whether that is because Michigan canceled Conrad or not, we don’t know. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow. The crowd should increase. Conrad seemed in good spirits, in spite of the vendetta against him.

Ps. Those of you harping about Ron Kelly, please direct your displeasure at the Michigan Conference, the Lake Union and on up the regime chain. They are to blame for deplatforming Vine, not Kelly.

I would have been pleased if Conrad was speaking at this meeting in spite of the papal bull against him, but I am willing to see how things play out. A big part of the problem is that Vine's detractors are listening to notions about Vine's Regime Church sermon, instead of listening to the sermon itself. It is a very good sermon.

Good night and see you tomorrow!
