Two Years Later, Jonathan Zirkle Recounts Being Shut Down At the 2022 GC Session

Jonathan Zirkle was a delegate to the 2022 GC (General Conference) Session.

On June 6th, 2022, Jonathan went to the microphone at the Edward Jones Dome, armed with 25,000 signatures of people who were asking the Seventh-day Adventist Church to review the 2015 ADCOM Vaccine Statement. The ADCOM statement presumed to speak for millions of Adventists without their consent, and was weaponized against a lot of church members during the oppressive Covid era of mandates.

What followed was a shocking spectacle of SDA administrators shutting Zirkle’s motion down. Jonathan’s story of how that moment came to be and what it felt like is fascinating,

A year ago, I had my wife watch the the five minute video of Zirkle making the motion, and Stele’s attempt to steam roll over it. She had never seen it before. She was horrified.

So am I. I was only 150’ away from it when it happened, in 2022.


“And now, brethren, I know that you did it in ignorance, as did also your leaders” (Acts 3:17).