John Wesley Taylor brought to Andrews University some hope of reformation and ideological rebuilding of the drifting University.
According to this article in the Lake Union Herald, Taylor also brings with him an environmentalist worldview that buys into the United Nations climate change agenda.
Three decades ago, leftwing environmentalism was rebranded as “creation care” by an organization called the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN). This group receives a lot of funding from a Soros-funded think tank, New America, as well as the Clinton Global Initiative. The EEN also pushed for cap-and-trade legislation to curb carbon emissions.
Around the same time, ADCOM came out with four statements on environmentalism, two of which sound like they were written by AlGore himself and one that sounds eerily like things the Pope wrote in several of his green initiatives.
In her excellent book Shepherds For Sale, Megan Basham discusses how Christian leaders have been pressured to acknowledge climate change as an effect of systemic racism and to repent for it. Basham's book documents how progressive powerbrokers have tried to co-opt naive Christians for political gain.
In Shepherds for Sale, Basham reveals how Christian leaders have been pressured to: Whisper about sexual sins, Question the importance of abortion, Lament the effects of climate change, and Repent of “perpetuating systemic racism.
When the church trusts the world's wisdom instead of Scripture, it can lead to serious trouble.
Shepherds for Sale was an instant New York Times bestseller, and has grave implications for Adventists who are eager to climb on the climate change/global warming bandwagon.
Christian colleges (like Andrews) must remember that their existence makes sense only as a protest and an alternative to the dominant left-wing culture of academia.
Universities like Andrews join Climate Change initiatives under a guise of creation care, but it’s actually a sprint for a world government. If you cant see that you haven't been paying attention.
Giving recent revelations about entanglements with the United Nations becoming public, any effort of Andrews University to align themselves with the UN Climate Change agenda is a real bad look. That’s not reforming the University, it is taking it into dangerous waters.
If ADCOM wanted to actually do something useful they could issue a statement that Radical Environmentalism is an unbiblical veneration of creation over the Creator. I won’t hold my breath.
In fact, I’ll continue exhaling Co2.
Plants love it.