Universities like Andrews join Climate Change initiatives under a guise of creation care, but it’s actually a sprint for a world government. If you cant see that you haven't been paying attention.
Read moreJoe Biden Awards Pope Francis The Presidential Medal of Freedom
There is no indication if ADCOM will also receive similar acclaim for their promotion of climate change, or if GC PARL (Ganoune Diop) will be recognized for their tremendous ecumenical efforts.
Read moreHumans Are Causing Global Warming by Breathing
"Human breathing contributes to global warming" and "The UK has legally committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035". Do these statements suggest an intention? You do the math.
Do We Really Need A New Ten Commandments For Climate Change? I Think Not.
It's almost like they're they're doing this in God's face because they're going to Mount Sinai, the place where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the law of Moses. They’re going to put forth their law of climate change.
Read moreNew Office Of Environmental Justice Announced. Trees Deserve Justice, But Not Babies
Fallen man is a sinner — he is not God. He wants to be his own god. This creates hell on earth under the rubric of creating utopia through totalitarian agencies like the Environmental Justice department.
Read moreThis Is a First! Canadian Doctor Diagnoses Woman With 'Climate Change'
WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: "The same unsustainable choices that are killing our planet are killing people." Kelly Lau, a Dr.-turned-activist said: "This is about moving forward in a way that saves lives."
Read moreAlGore Says Technology Can Track Climate Offenders So Activists Can Hold Them Accountable
Translation: You are guilty of existing and must pay for it. If carbon credits are the coin of the realm for this organized green religion, violent rape is the currency of its chaos.
Read morePope and Religious Leaders Call For Aggressive Climate Action At The Upcoming COP26 Summit
In his speech, Welby said over the past 100 years, humanity had “declared war” on creation and must now repent by building a green economy and by bringing [social] justice to the global south.
Read moreAdventists, Catholics and ADRA, The Religion of Strong Delusion
We could then present this new maudlin faith to the world, asking their forgiveness and replacing the Conflict of the Ages Series with a note that reads “We didn’t really mean it.”
Read moreOh, Climate Change is Now a Racial Justice Issue
"It goes after the very same communities that pollution has held back and racism has held back," McCarthy said. "Climate justice is about equal rights."
Read moreBig Business Partners With Pope Francis To Spread Global Leftism
We (at Fulcrum7) believe Francis is a far-left radical intent on destroying the United States’ economic system. There are so many reasons honestly to distrust this man that it would take a month of articles to go through them all.
Read moreGreta Thunberg's Climate Strikes And The Sabbath
“So in some essential ways, Greta is like a modern-day Moses, asking us to slow down our consumption to a sustainable level so that humanity can live as responsible stewards of the earth, instead of ever-demanding consumers.”
Read moreUnited Nations Reveals Who Is To Blame For Covid-19: Patriarchy
P.S. Brace yourself for the inevitable demand to change the title of one of Ellen’s White’s best books ‘Patriarchs and Prophets.’ It will happen eventually.
Read moreBaptist Message Editor Suggests Day of Rest For The Environment
Climate Change/Alarmism is the fastest growing religion in the world and you can be baptized into it through the legitimizing ritual of infusing your theology with politics.
Read moreVatican Moves Global Pact on Education Event to October 15
In his address to diplomats, Pope Francis highlighted two key areas related to the Global Educational Pact: climate change and interreligious dialogue.
Read moreU.N. Faith For Earth Initiative Unites World Religions Against Climate Change
“Faith-based organizations are the fourth largest economic power on earth. They own a total of 10 percent of the planet's inhabitable land, 50-60 percent of educational institutions, 50 percent of hospitals, and five percent of commercial forests.”
Read moreClimate Change, What's So Wrong About it?
I want to ask the question, what are Christians to make of all this? Some will say, “Well, we are supposed to be stewards of creation, therefore we can partner with this movement because there is some good in it.”
Read moreGlacier National Park Removing "Glaciers Will Be Gone by 2020" Signs
As we are already 8 days into 2020 with no sign of the glaciers disappearing, Montana’s Glacier National Park is removing the signage stating that “Glaciers will be gone by 2020.”
Read moreJesuit Students Present 58k Signatures In Support Of Senate Climate Change Bill
Copies of the Catholic Climate Declaration were also shared with Senate offices. This could set the tone for American participation in the upcoming Global Pact meeting hosted at the Vatican on May 14.
Read moreHundreds of Extinction Rebellion Protesters Arrested Around The World
These frenzied people are not calling for Sunday observance at this time, but the spirit of fear within them appears to be a foreshadowing of unholy global passions in the Time of the End.
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