Metabolic Syndrome is Hurting Us -- Conventional Medicine is Indifferent

Several people have made me aware of this interview with Casey and Calley Means. Casey Means attended Stanford and Stanford Medical School, and was completing a residency in surgery when she realized that conventional Western medicine is not helping people in the developed world with their most urgent challenge: metabolic syndrome. Western medicine is set up to dole out drugs and to cut into people; it is not organized around helping people stay healthy.

Today, 42% of American adults are obese, and 9% are severely or morbidly obese. Before the Second World War obesity was rare, and as late as 1980, the obesity rate was still only 15%. What happened?

Calley Means notes that the biggest corporate mergers of the 1980s were when big tobacco, seeing that the market for tobacco products would only continue to shrink, bought food companies. R.J. Reynolds purchased Nabisco, and Phillip Morris, another huge tobacco company, bought General Foods and Kraft Foods.

What the tobacco companies understood is that business booms when your product is addictive. So they put their scientists (who previously had been fine-tuning the amount of nicotine in cigarettes to achieve maximum addiction) to work making processed food addictive. Today, a huge proportion of typical caloric intake is highly processed foods that have been made as addictive as possible with added sugar, salt, and artificial flavors. To make matters worse, much of it has been fried in seed oils that are better suited to lubricate and fuel your automobile.

The result is the health catastrophe we see today. Chronic overweight and obesity leads to depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, and many other health conditions that torture us, give us lassitude and low energy, make our lives a burden, and eventually cause us to die before our time.

Much of this is a confirmation of the Seventh-day Adventist/Ellen White health message: we need regular sleep, regular exercise, healthy food, fresh air, and pure water. But the challenge of staying healthy has been greatly complicated by the addictive, highly processed foods that compose so much of the late-20th Century, early 21st Century diet consumed in the developed world.

The book is called “Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.” It is available as an ebook for $17.00 and $21.00 for hardbound. In the Tucker Carlson interview, pay special attention to the discussion of “Ozempic” that begins at the one hour mark, followed by a discussion of the birth control pill and pesticides sprayed on our food:

Below is another interview of Casey Means, and there are many more on YouTube. :

Update 8/24/24: It turns out that Callie Means was instrumental in arranging Robert F. Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump. Means was in contact with both men prior to yesterday’s momentous announcement. Kennedy stated,

“A few hours after the assassination attempt at Butler, I got a call from a safe food advocate, Callie Means, who has been fighting for many years to try to end the corruption at CDC and FDA and USDA. And these institutions, these regulatory agencies, are actually run by the big food processing companies, the big ag and the chemical companies, that they’re suppose to regulate. And he said to me that he’d been advising me for many years, and on my campaign, and he told me that night that he was also advising President Trump. And he asked if I would talk to President Trump. And I said, “of course.”

“And about a few minutes later I got a call from the president and we talked. We had a very good talk, and he invited me to come see him the next day, and I went to Minneapolis and saw him. We met again a couple of weeks later in Florida, and we talked about, not about the things that separate us—because we don’t agree on everything—but on the values and issues that bind us together. And one of the issues we talked about was having safe food and ending the chronic disease epidemic. [Loud applause] Our children are the unhealthiest, sickest children in the world! Don’t you want healthy children? And don’t you want the chemicals out of our food? And don’t you want the regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption? And that’s what President Trump told me he wanted.”

Check out the below video: