Calvin Robinson is Coming to America

A year ago, a film entitled , “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” won the Oscar for best picture. I did not see the movie, but the title perfectly encapsulates the nature of the assault on Western Civilization by its ruling elites, especially since January, 2021. Everything, everywhere, all at once. There is a new outrage every day, so it is not possible for me to write about everything I think noteworthy; I do well to cover one in every 50 significant events.

Our elites absolutely despise Western, Christian Civilization and are working to destroy it with a frenzy that beggars belief. Their chief tool to bludgeon it to death is mass, transformative immigration. They are simply going to overwhelm the people of the West and dilute our influence and our votes to the point of futility.

Since the Marxist politburo behind the “Biden Administration” took power (and now, since they have quit pretending, we can all quit pretending that the badly demented Joe Biden has anything to do with the administration that bears his name) on January 20, 2021, it has ushered in between 12 million and 20 million illegal immigrants.

They’ve been doing the same thing in Europe and Great Britain. The astonishingly malign, evil motives of the people doing this to Britain and all of Western Europe are much clearer there even than here, because by far the largest group of immigrants to Britain and western Europe are Muslims. As I have discussed elsewhere, Muslims are particularly bad candidates for citizenship in a Western Christian democracy, not least because they do not believe in the legitimacy of laws made by elected representatives.

This wave of immigration isn’t going to stop, but rather accelerate in the next five years, because after fourteen years of the Tories, the so-called “conservative” party, governing from the far Left and perpetuating the regime of mass transformative immigration, their voters stayed home, and Labor won a huge majority in last summer’s elections. Labor has, in essence, outlawed criticism of the mass transformative immigration regime; Labor Prime Minister Keir Stürmer begun freeing violent prisoners from his gaols to make room for people who don’t want their daughters being stabbed or raped by Muslim “grooming gangs” and tweet accordingly.

Conservative Anglican cleric Calvin Robinson, who will soon be taking over a conservative Episcopal parish in western Michigan, notes that Great Britain will be majority Muslim within 25 years, by 2050 at the latest; already there is a terroristic knife attack almost every day. Already, London is only 30% native Briton; 70% of the residents of London are immigrants or other ethnicity. English is not the first language of the majority of those living in England’s largest and most historically, culturally, and politically important city.

Robinson believes that there is no saving Great Britain at this point, it is too far gone; he still has hope that American can yet avoid Britain’s fate. (Peter Whittle doubts that even America can be saved at this point.) Despite his pessimism (I would say realism) about the irreversability of Britain’s decline, Robinson plans to stand for Parliament at the next general election in 5 years, in the UKIP Party.

There follows an interesting discussion of why no single conservative third-party alternative (Labor is Maoist, the Tories are Stalinist) has coalesced. Per Robinson (and I think he is right) the natural leader of such a party would be Nigel Farage, but Farage is simply not up to the task; Farage makes every party he is involved with all about himself, rather than about policies and principles. In addition, Farage is a snob and cannot resist the class temptation of disavowing and alienating the lower class whites, of whom Tommy Robinson (no relation to Calvin) is emerging as the leader.

This interview was conducted by Peter Whittle, the founder of the New Culture Forum, the documentaries of which I featured in this column from last year.