Grace Versus Meekness

Recently, I read a comment on Fulcrum7,

'I think at heart some of these men are ravenous wolves, and any signs of what they perceive as Godly meekness only encourages them more to reveal themselves at heart---wolves.'

I think … I know!

In times like these, Joshua comes in mind. He learned from the meekest man, Moses. Joshua often wrestled with God. That's what he learned and knew, being Moses' right hand. God appointed him, pledging by Himself, 'I will be with thee, I will not fail the nor forsake thee. (Joshua1:5). Then God admonishes him, for He knew what meat he had in the barrel (as we say in Dutch),

'Be strong, have courage' three times (Joshua 1:6,7,9). Joshua, in turn, encouraged the people in the same manner (Joshua 1:18; 10:25).

So, when the trouble started at Ai, at the costs of (only) thirty-six brave soldiers who were sacrificed on the altar of arrogance, the sin of Achan – one man! - was reckoned to the whole of Israel (Joshua 7:1). Joshua wrestled until evening with God that day, 'O Lord, what shall I say … and what wilt thou do unto thy great name' (verse 6-9). Then 'the LORD said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? … Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed' (verse 10,11).  Go and search this thing out! Now, I've shown thee what is the matter, go and ACT. Remember My promise that I will not forsake thee. Go thee now and take the first step. I am at thy right side!

Elder Wilson 

When Ted Wilson became president, in 2010, I told everyone who wanted to listen “He is appointed for such a time like this.” Within a day I translated his inauguration sermon 'Go Forward', and the video could be watched with subtitles the next Sabbath.

What happened that week here in the Netherlands was downright astonishing — and some of them big names too. Champions of Rome, Union president, pastors twittered, facebooked, blogged expressions of hate and disrespect, excelling in insubordinance. It was baffling. In response, I wrote an Open Letter that went viral — even Ted Wilson got it.

During the years, I have indeed never seen a meeker president since Robert Pierson, and those who call themselves 'liberal and progressive' simply hate him. Those men and women prove to Heaven, the Church and the world that if we were in Jesus time, they would stand first row hauling 'crucify him!'

At AC 2019, Ted Wilson declared that he had wrestled much about the compliance motion, and I am sure he did. But there is a time to pray, a time to reason and to be meek and gentle, and a time to see that the mockers will not back-off unless firm actions are taken. The 20th-century martyr for Christ, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, wrote about the attitude of 'cheap grace' - grace without church discipline!

The entire World Church is suffering from the willful insubordination of a few. Graciously, it has been given time to ripen almost ten years now, and I think it's time for God's instruments and agents to ACT. For meekness without church discipline is indeed cheap grace — and we see that the few don't care for courtesy. They've set themselves, and they educate each other in cultivating iron foreheads to one end — win a power clash, at ALL cost - even their souls and that of others.  

They know very well that we have agreed to do church as consensus decisions when — as they tell themselves — it's not about Biblical truth, as they say.

The recent reaction of the German Unions clarifies their rebellious position. They say they have done nothing wrong.  They deem themselves in compliance not to ordain, twisting the Working Policy to say it does not demand ordination. But they have not fallen on the back of their heads (as we say in Dutch), to realize that a president at any level needs to be an ordained minister and male. So, by their unilateral actions, the current presidents permit themselves to enjoy their ordination, while denying upcoming young pastors the ordination that is due to them. Giving up their ordination too would have been bravery! By not doing that, they prove to be the greatest cowards – pardonne-moi, I don't judge their salvation, I judge their actions.

Because of their actions, they are like the sons of Eli – leading God's people in transgressions of murmuring, of ungodly expressions, of retaining and diverting tithes and offerings; they are the cause of spiritual agony with many, the results of their unbecoming actions. Because of this, the sacrifice of Christ unto salvation and sanctification is made void. Eli talked and reasoned with his sons, but he did not take the proper actions only he could take — to sack his evil sons! That's what costs him and his entire progeny eternal life. 

Like Hophni and Phinehas' knew not the Lord' (i.e. did not reckon with God), and threatened, 'thou shalt give it to me now, and if not I shall take it by force  (1 Samuel 2:12-17), one of the contemporary sons professed in public, 'I don't mind the warning'; another said, 'I'll wear it like a badge of honor'… i.e. we could care less... we will have our way no matter what. 

At least to me, the presidents of all six Unions proved before the entire Church and world, that, by all means, they deserve the reprimand in person. The warning to their Union does not affect them. That's blind fist fighting wind (1 Corinthians 9:26) because their hearts are not moved one micrometre. The warnings issued are therefore only symbolically addressed to their deluded constituents, who were misled by their leaders to think they had the mandate to take the actions they did. Honest presidents should have told them right away that their motion was hostile against the entire Church and the agreed-on organizational structure, and honest parliamentarians should have ruled their motion inadmissible. Period. 

The presidents of these six Unions meet every aspect of the 'for cause'-clause; they have made void their ordination and their position (Minister's Handbook, p. 80,81:

'Ministers may be disciplined because of a moral fall, unfaithfulness, apostasy, embezzlement or theft, giving continuing support to an activity subversive to the denomination while persistently refusing to recognize church authority, or continued and unrepentant dissidence regarding the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church (see GC Policy L 60 20). Such discipline may affect ministers by the (1) withdrawal of credential or license, (2) annulment of ordination, (3) loss of church membership, and (4) loss of employment in gospel ministry, the teaching ministry, or denominational leadership.'

 We are in the grand finale of earth's history, and there is a need for men who will not flinch in the sight of Satan and his instrumentalities within the Church. Men who will fill the breach in the wall with Godly, strong and courageous leadership.

The disrespect of the ministers in question is astonishly unbecoming. They are giving themselves credentials and the prerogative 'in good and general standing' while violating every guideline in their Minister's Handbook and having set themselves to fracture the Church.

Funny, isn't it that they climb the stage, claiming they deserve a hearing and more time to explain their position on the basis of the Church policy they denounce, while they are proclaiming their independency for almost ten years now. If this rebellion is not dealt with directly this is what the Church could be facing in 2040.

 The majority of the Church believes in the Biblical principle of ordination, and it's time to approach the issue as such – not by making it a fundamental belief for neither is Thou shalt not kill; Simply remove those who want to establish their church within the Church. They do not meet the prerequisites for being a leader or a minister but are cheeky holding-up hands for sacred tithes.  

You know, everyone knows by now what is the real problem in our Church – after ten years, one would be foolish not to. This thing will not go away by reasoning and further acts of kindness and talking and pleading on good reasoning – sometimes the ground must split open and swallow adversaries (Numbers 16:31,32; Judas 1:11). It will be God's doing, I know. But I also happen to know that He needed a Moses and the house of Aaron and all those who chose God's side to stand their ground; to ACT – the man Moses ... very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3). Despite meekness, they acted!  

I hope and pray that Ted Wilson will heed the call for a third presidential term. I pray the next administration will be like Moses' and Joshua's, leading ADCOM (without NAD associates) and EXCOM to ACT. The searching out has been done, and that thoroughly and conclusively! It’s now church discipline time! Sack the presidents! From Dan Jackson, down the alley to rebelling Unions, Conferences and missions. [Editor Note: Dan Jackson announced today at the NAD Year-End Meeting that he will retire this summer]. I'd rather be a member of a small denomination, than one where the people are eloquently guided and educated into apostasy.

We must do this. For the sake of the mission of our Church and saving many – outside and inside the Church.

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much” (Luke 16:10-12).


Ingrid Wijngaarde is a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee in Netherlands Union of Churches Conference. She is a member of Groningen SDA Church, and a senior policy advisor for the Dutch government.