Richard Dye, Conference President of Arkansas-Louisiana, We Salute You

In a world of supply & demand and unexpected shortages, we like it when a rare commodity becomes available. Courage.

Over the last 20 months, courage has been in short supply as television-saturated individuals have cowered before COVID, and timorous church leaders have surrendered to draconian government measures—often taking the easy way out. However, in matters of spiritual significance the easy road is rarely the best road, nor does it bring us closer to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 7:14). Here is an example of courage in the midst of timidity.

Richard Dye, President of the Arkansas-Louisana Conference released a video revealing that his Conference (and Executive Committee) is pushing back against the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate. May his tribe increase! Take a look,

Rejoice with them who rejoice and weep with those who weep, and give honor where honor is due (Romans 12:15; 13:7).

Richard Dye, we salute you. May God richly bless you and your Conference.
