I suggest ADRA uses this opportunity for a sustained period of introspection, and look for a way to wait on tables (Acts 6:2) that doesn't include feeding at a government hog trough.
Read moreThere is a Secret Adventist Professional Ministers Facebook Page
Many pastors come into the group with fairly conservative ideals, but get bullied mercilessly—mocked by group members who no longer feel it is appropriate to hold to Adventist standards.
Read moreLament From an Adventist Boomer
Our ‘Liberty’ leaders have invited the godless leftist camel into the church’s tent, while they gaze out the back of the tent with a telescope toward a virtually invisible ‘Christian Nationalist’ chimera.
Read moreA Note Of Caution
Monks and ministers, modernists and mystics, all found common ground in critical re-interpretation of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Read moreIs the Adventist Review Going Soft on LGBTQ?
We do not help each other in the fight for holiness when we allow for righteousness to look increasingly strange and sin to look increasingly normal.
Read moreThe Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies
In 2020, when the most substantive global imposition against personal liberties arrived, nothing happened. Most sat on their hands and complied. The state piped, the people danced, and the Bill of Rights took a vacation.
Read moreGeneral Conference vs. North America Division, The Struggle Continues (Part 2)
That Henson was invited here to do actual Posture Shift classes because some UCC pastors and teachers wanted it, therefore represents a huge problem. What do they actually believe?
Read moreThe Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend: The Unholy Alliance Between the Left and Islam
From a distance, leftism and Islam appear to stand on the opposite side of every issue that matters. If this is true, then why does the left cozy up to Islam? Why does it pander to it?
Read moreThe Boy Who Cried Wolf
I've heard this for years, “whatever you do, don't elect a conservative Christian president because they will bring in the Sunday laws.” So, by default many Adventists vote for the most immoral candidate. I call that Dreadventism.
Read moreAre Adventist Leaders Rethinking Their Support of Black Lives Matter?
Given the atrocities in Israel and the support by BLM for Hamas, one would have to question the wisdom of supporting an institution such as BLM.
Read moreResisting Church Authority Abuse 6: Guest Speakers Manual Change & Call for Revisitation
A change of substantial and destructive import was introduced into the latest edition of the Church Manual. This change seems to grant conferences veto power over which guest speakers local churches might be able to invite.
Read moreAToday Article Attacks Mark Finley and Ted Wilson For Not Affirming LGBTQ+
We clearly see here that the main problem Seibold has with Finley is that LGBTQ is not affirmed. This point is the only one I will agree with Seibold on; Finley is not affirming LGBTQ+ ideas, whatever they are.
Read moreSatan's Final No Buy/No Sell System
What the government wants to do with CBDCs will affect the financial life of every one of us, and most people do not even know about it. CBDCs are essentially a digital prison that is disguised as money.
Read moreThe Rise And Fall of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE)
Diversity Inclusion and Equity officers
DIE work has also become a liability, often a smokescreen for reverse racism and critical race theory.
Read moreBiden, Trump, Desantis, RFK? I'm Not interested
If you promote it, then you’re virtuous, as this tyranny is wrapped not in the flag, but in the virtue of The Current Thing... while the flag burns.
Read moreHitchens: Seizure of Power over the Mind—Kirkpatrick Reacts
I'm not here to incite gloom. But I want you to see it happening today, and have your part in preventing it from becoming reality tomorrow—at least in your church.
Read moreLeftists Hate God Because They Want His Job
Leftists’ war on God says less about him than it does about them. They are driven by a lust for control and a belief that mankind is infinitely malleable, as long as enough force is applied. Their real problem with God? They want His job.
Read moreOrdinary Men: Reserve Police Batallion 101
Normal individuals enter an 'agentic state' in which they are the instrument of another's will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.
Read moreRhode Island Democrats Propose Doubling Taxes On The Unvaccinated
Individuals will be fined 50 dollars, their personal income tax will be doubled, and employers will be fined $5,000 a month for each "unvaccinated" employee. This bill makes no allowance for religious exemptions, or natural immunity, which even Pfizer admits is highly effective.
Read moreNAD Religious Liberty Director Joins Interfaith Group Asking the Senate to Confirm Ketanji Jackson for Supreme Court
It is rather rich irony that a division who is obsessed with ordaining women is now (through their RL department) supporting the Supreme Court nomination of someone who doesn’t know what a woman is. I’ll leave it to you to figure out why.
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