CLERGY FOR CONSCIENCE—an informal group of Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, released today, April 7, 2022, our statement, “A CHRISTIAN DECLARATION ON CONSCIENCE: The relationship between the State, the Church, and the Individual.” The Declaration is not a formal denominational statement, but a simple declaration of what we believe. Their website.
Momentous and forboding societal developments have occurred these past 24 months. Many Christian denominations have manifested indifference, an obeisance to the State, and an apparent lack of empathy for the conscientious concerns of members.
We believe that our world is losing its way, and that the broader societal understanding of liberty of conscience has been deteriorating. We make our Declaration with the prayer that Christians shall be encouraged and that renewed attention can be drawn to the urgent and foundational concept of conscience.
Please review the Declaration and add your name by signing the document. When you have signed, phone five persons you know who you think would agree with the statement. Walk them through the bullet-points while viewing online at the same time. Encourage them to sign, share with others, and repeat.
Clergy for Conscience has no vast social media budget or plan or platform to make people aware of the Declaration. Either you and us will do this task, or it will not be done. If you agree with our values, here is an opportunity to promote them.
These are important hours. Stand with us; sign the Declaration; it is time to lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring. Thanks, and God bless you.