Adventist Frontier Missions Affirms Support for Conrad Vine as President

Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) is one of the most worthy missionary enterprises in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For many decades, they have tirelessly worked to bring the Advent Message to countries around the world.

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Meeting Artur Pawlowski, A Modern day Martin Luther

When they concluded they couldn’t shut me up by threats and force, they offered me two million dollars (Canadian) to shut up. I declined.  They offered me a seat in parliament.  For eight months they tried to buy my silence.  But I could not be bought.

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A Third Wave Feminist Icon Discovers There is a Great Controversy Going On

What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics.  Something else, something spiritual must have done that.  And I speak as a devoted rationalist and third generation feminist.

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Censorship and The GC Session Agenda

The conference may legally own facilities, but spiritually, it stewards them on behalf of God’s people. For noteworthy speakers, internet popularity and the ability to rent other facilities provide a workaround.

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The Priesthood of Experts?

In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, health is not a cordoned-off domain where lady justice, pink hair flying and nose rings flaring, bars God’s entry with flaming sword.

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Rhode Island Democrats Propose Doubling Taxes On The Unvaccinated

Individuals will be fined 50 dollars, their personal income tax will be doubled, and employers will be fined $5,000 a month for each "unvaccinated" employee. This bill makes no allowance for religious exemptions, or natural immunity, which even Pfizer admits is highly effective.

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