Religious Liberty Sabbath at Village Church, My Report

Many people sensed during the pandemic that something got broken in our world that's not going to get fixed. They saw the massive forces aligned against them in global lockdowns that negatively affected millions of lives, followed by tyrannical (read leftist) government entities violating freedom of conscience in the vax mandates.

On January 14th, the Village Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan hosted a special Religious Liberty Sabbath. This meeting reflected on the dark lessons learned from the 2020 pandemic and a general trend away from freedom of conscience.

These defenders of liberty of conscience are way ahead of the PARL Department of the church, offering insights that PARL lacks the courage to offer.

I made the trip to Berrien on Friday afternoon. The weather was nice and the atmosphere pleasant.

Sabbath Morning — John Zirkle

“Government is getting more like the church / the church is becoming more like the world.”

Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13

John is an attorney from California and former a director of Advent Hope.

“While You Were Sleeping”

We’ve been through a lot in the last few years. Pandemic is waning…but are we getting back to normal? Not really. I see storm clouds on the horizon.

What is the best thing to do when storms come? Get your own house in order. This is our church. It doesn’t belong to a few individuals at the top or bottom, it belongs to all of us. I’m not here to point fingers, I am here ask us to to consider our ways.

In the parable of the ten virgins, we talk a lot about the oil. Let’s remember that all ten virgins slept. This is a warning for the church in the end time. Matthew 24: 42-51. Good servants are contrasted with evil servants.

The apex of good government occurred in our American Constitution. What happens when you sleep? When you go to sleep and wake up everything has changed. That is the lesson of the ten virgins.

I’m not going to talk about immunizations, I believe that is a dead horse at the moment. But in the last three years I started to realize that more storm clouds are on the horizon. One problem is the stance that our church took in Covid.

Let’s look at some GC statements. There are storm clouds on the horizon.

The GC is sponsoring programs that address poverty. They support the United Nations in their statement. Social justice. This is a different worldview.

Education The right kind of education is good, but this statement arises from a different worldview.

Environmental Sustainability. This is a radically different worldview, especially as SDA church leaders align with the United Nations Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 and 30.

Abortion - As a Church we revised our statement. I agree with it, but there is a small problem with it. It implies that the reason why God loves us is because we can communicate with and love Him. A baby cannot do this. The 2019 Statement promotes choice (pro choice). Do we have “difficult decisions” to make regarding the other Ten Commandments? What is missing is condemnation of abortion. If it isn’t sin there is no repentance and forgiveness. It is a choice statement.

Right now the Biden administration is preparing to say “If you don’t do abortions you can’t get federal funds”. Ok, SDA Hospitals. Here’s where you must make a choice. As health care providers we are called to honor the decisions of patients. The Biden administration is pressuring hospitals. The GC will likely say this is not a religious issue, but a choice issue. as they did with CV19 jabs.

Religious Liberty Evangelism and Proselytism. This is a bad statement by the GC. It means you can’t say things that offend other religions in evangelism. It challenges the theological freedom of how we view Roman Catholicism.

Environment and Global Warming etc. The GC made a couple unnecessary environmentalist statements in 1995, 1996 and 2015. The SOP tells us that changing environment is coming from Satan not from human activity.

They made a Statement on Climate Change in 1995. This is a war on humanity, it is a different worldview.

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is coming. It programmable money. Friend, your freedoms are on the line. To have religious liberty you have to have liberty. If you have no liberty you have no religious liberty.

We have moved away from being allergic to government money. We want to be well thought of by the world that is passing away (1 John 2:17). Why not rather be thought of well by a God who lives forever? (Isaiah 57:15).

I was a nominal Adventist in law school. After sharing some of my worldly beliefs with a friend, he told me I wasn’t a Seventh day Adventist. That affected me. By God’s grace something changed in me. I read my Bible. It worked on me.

This is my church too. We are responsible for it. We can change. What is truth? Pilate asked. Friends, we must go back to the Bible. All our problems will disappear. All these statements that dabble with the world can be fixed by going back to the Scripture and turning away from the world (1 John 2:15).

“Thou has left thy first love” (Revelation 2:4). Our church has lost its first love. We can find it in the Bible. EGW says God will have a people that maintain the Bible and the Bible only. Let us be among those people.

These things happened while we were sleeping.

Sabbath School Panel Discussion

Barry Bussey was on screen from Canada. He gave a report about restrictions of liberty in Canada. One panelist lost her job because of the vaccine. The moderator, John Gusky did a great job.

Marisol Quintanilla gave her testimony. She works at Michigan State University. When she was pressured to take the jab or be fired, she defended herself and the Village church helped her. Sadly, she avoided saying she was an Adventist because they would use that against her. It was a delightful delightful testimony ( we will hear more from Marisol in an interview). She said she told the university when they pressured her to get jabbed “You will have to kill me and vaccinate my dead body.”

She also mentioned gender issues at Michigan State University. Diversity Equity and Inclusion is a way to promote racial segregation. What they believe is diametrically opposed to what we believe as Christian Adventists.

Conrad Vine - Divine Service

Conrad was introduced by Ron Kelly. He said religious liberty has showcased some of the most difficult experiences in the world. It is a privilege to be true to our own conscience.

“We have inherited things for which we have not paid a price.”


Preaching changes lives. He preached a sermon here last year and it changed his life (reference to marginalization).

History repeats itself. If we don’t study it we repeat it.

In 1914, young people were amazed at technology. It’s that way today too.

Most people want to go to heaven. But there was war in heaven. We don’t like to hear that. Polemic in heaven was a struggle in ideas. God is truth and this war revolved around the character of our God.

Quoted Solzhenitsyn: “People do evil when they think they are doing good.”


Millions of people were dying from starvation in 1933, in Russia and Ukraine. Stalin and his revolution was one of the largest crimes in human history.

Technology turned against the people.

We exist on about 4” of topsoil around the world. If you were a private farmer (Kulak) you were an enemy of the state. They were demonized and than it shifted to policy of extermination. Stalin collected them in groups then eliminated them through man-made famine. He created terror across the Soviet Union.

Do not think that comforts you enjoy today will always be there. Christians in America are on this same Kulak pattern. Now we are being demonized. Of them it was said’

“Not one of them was guilty of anything but hey belonged to a class that was guilty of everything.” Soviet novel 1934

Wokeness is separating people into groups today.

Stalin’s wife learned what he was doing and confronted him. He said it was fake news. She committed suicide in 1932. Their dominate theology was Marxism.

Friends, be grateful you live in America. Grateful that this ideology of Marxism has not yet taken over America.


Critical theory is creating victims and oppressed groups - these oppressors must be demonized. The permanence of racism is assumed in critical theory.

Whiteness is being likened to property. Racism is said to permeate every social structure. Critical race theory rejects color blindness and equal opportunity. They demand equal outcome. They would despise Martin Luther King today.

The seek equity by force. They say when a white person helps a black person they do so only to further oppression and supremacy. Colleges are full of this. Christians help one another. That’s good.

Gender issues. Big problem is fatherless boys. CRT and queer theory work together.

The good news in Scripture is that all are created in the image of God. When God asked Cain “Where is your brother?” He said “I am not his keeper.” He was more than a keeper, he was his brother. Examine ourselves. Don’t jump on Marxist bandwagon.

“Have mercy on me Oh God, wash me from my iniquity.” This is the Christian response to these ideologies - CRT. Don’t just reject them, repent of them.

“Search me and see if there is any wicked way in me” (Psalm 139:23).

Colleges are injecting this poison in their young people. Including SDA colleges.

Everyone has to choose where they stand. Whites and heterosexual people are now being demonized. Cancel culture is being used in place of death currently.


Before Jesus comes there will persecution of the saints of God (Revelation 12:17).

You are the object of Satan’s attacks. Job could be you, friend. Soon. Our life is on a much broader canvas than we realize. The universe is watching. The final battle is on the issue of worship. Who do we trust?

Revelation 13:10-17

Final issue in end time is not racial or social justice. It is worship. Who is your supreme authority?

Fauci? Media? Who do we listen to?

There are two groups in the end A pure woman and harlot. Those who love the world and those keep the Commandments of God. You must nurture your conscience in order to stand in that good group. Some in the church tell you to violate your conscience.

What we saw in pandemic is that we have no support from organizations. It will be you and Jesus Christ.

GC 589.1

Destruction will be on both man and beast.

GC 590

Sunday vs sabbath

The push for climate lockdowns is coming. On moral grounds. The demonized receive the seal of God. The oppressors receive the mark of the beast.

You can choose who you follow. Before our world existed there was war in heaven.

  • Yesterday the truth was oppressed in Russia

  • Today we have critical theory

  • Tomorrow the issue is worship


  • Your relationships with Jesus is the only thing that will see you through. Are you making your journey with God or with the world?

  • Are you choosing false worship or true worship? Which God am I following in my job, my life and my prayers? You can have a seared conscience or a pure one.

  • It’s not enough to believe something. Speak it out. Lukewarm Christians no longer have the courage to say “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

  • Store up treasure in heaven.

  • Truth forever on the scaffold… poem song.

  • Commit to live truth, speak truth and be God’s peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9).

  • As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

  • Forgive us O Lord.


We had a great lunch. These Village (church) people really know how to do a great potluck. They had awesome soup and salads and pie. Pie! The fellowship was good too.

Snippet: If you have to get angry about your position, you’re probably in the wrong position.

Peter McCullough Testimony

I grew up in Buffalo. My grandparents were Irish immigrants and worked in the steel mills. After the potato famine my family came over to America. Tidbit, two million people died in the potato famine. Their main source of nutrition was gone.

Peter’s great grandfather buried 10 children and died at 32. His grandfather died of pneumatic (no, make that rheumatic) heart disease.

The Irish had a history of disease. Yellow fever took (killed) 25 percent of New Orleans. The term quarantine comes from 4 weeks.

Peter grew up in the 1970’s in hard times. Their family tried to make ends meet; they lost their car and house. They moved to Texas to start over. Peter started school in hotel room. Texas population has doubled since then. He attended Baylor University. He studied to be a doctor to help disease-stricken people and make a better life for his family.

He did his residency in WA and did service at the CDC. He was eventually stationed in Grayling, Michigan. He decided he needed more training. Moved to Ann Arbor and studied to be a cardiologist. He raised his children in MI.

He describes himself as a reasonable Christian, a Presbyterian. Peter’s wife is Palestinian. His wife’s grandfather was stationmaster (prestigious office) in Palestine.

Life was perfect as an academic. He had lots of travels, which he enjoyed. He was a respected publisher of medical journals and earned a good income.

Then Covid-19 came along.

Peter’s goal was to save lives. To his astonishment, Doctors who were friends were letting people die. They didn’t want to talk about it. This created distance between them… then the vaccine came and the same thing happened - no early treatment.

Something weird is going on. I was nominal Christian…did not believe God was managing my life. I did not accept that Satan was involved in the world. After publishing a paper on Covid treatment - I got letters from readers and doctors saying. “You can’t do this.” What?

Peter’s paper went through peer review…he was called to the US senate…contacted publisher…they said there is a problem with your paper. You have to talk with editor. Walked down hall and spoke with Dr. Roberts. What is the problem with my paper?

Roberts said “I’ve never seen this before, the National Library of Medicine intervened.” His face turned red. Our conversation ended.

I went home that night, and told my wife “Satan does exist.” I was baffled at what was happening. Then I was called to the U.S. Senate.

I went Washington. I submitted my speech for review (Washington was shut down). It was accepted and I was told that it had to five minutes—no more. I practiced the speech in my hotel room. I was also recovering from Covid. The day came. I had a strange misgiving about my speech, although it was well prepared. It just didn’t feel right and I couldn’t do it in five minutes.

The opening statement was from Senator Johnson. He said we are bringing doctors here to talk about treatment and turned to me. At that moment I asked God for help. I turned my speech over and spoke from the heart. Somehow I was focused and spoke forcibly. I stated how academic fraud had occurred in the health industry regarding early treatment. When I ended the speech it was 5 minutes exactly. God was with me and I sensed the Holy Spirit. From that point on I knew this was more than a human event.

Sometimes I was one 16 TV shows per day. I started praying before speaking. I began doing public programs. The time I spoke at this church in August 2021 was one of the first times.

I began getting death threats. I had to have tight security. I was scheduled to speak at the Lincoln Memorial. There was a huge crowd. I prayed “Speak through me God.” It worked. This happened over and over again. I knew there was a God and I knew Satan really did exist. There is a Great Controversy going on.

I went into my office one day after making hospital rounds. I was told “Turn in your badge.” I was fired. The reason? There was no reason. I transferred my practice. Now I was working at a fraction of my former salary.

I was stripped of professorship from one university after another. No reasons were given. If I had done something wrong there should be evidence and a hearing. But no evidence was forthcoming.

I was terminated as an editor and stripped of my committee positions. Two weeks ago I was stripped of my position in France. Why is this happening? People doing this are not benefiting from it. It is costly to replace me. They are hurting themselves.

I recently received a letter of internal medicine which said I has violated covid misinformation policy. But there was no policy. I was convicted of Covid misinformation. I had perfect track record. I had to lawyer up and appeal. It was a Kangaroo court.

I was the first first public figure to be decertified. My career dissolved. I was called into the office at my current job, and fired for no reason. The Doctors who fired me were friends. They were ashamed. They had a darkness in them. I could see fear in their eyes. They wouldn’t look at me as we sat around the table. People can’t look me in the eye. It is a sign of something spiritual. They can’t handle the possibility that they may have harmed people with jabs.

900,000 doctors have taken the jab. I believe Satan is involved. Young athletes are dying. There is never any discussion about whether they had the jab or not. Person after person is dying suddenly, and we should ask some honest questions about it. But we can’t.

This is a spiritual thing going on. No one can even mention the possibility of vaccine caused myocarditis. The NFL says 95 % of players have taken the vaccine.

This weird situation meets all the characteristics of an instrument of the devil. I believed COVID was from the devil. Immediately they closed down churches and leave liquor stores open.

Hospitals are often death traps instead of places to get well. Three years into to it, no hospitals are early treating covid.

Friends, the world is in a trance. It’s in the minds of everyone to push the jab..can’t be coincidence.

I don’t feel worthy, but I think I have been called somehow. Being called means sacrifice. The Great controversy is going on. Most people want no personal loss. It is gonna get worse.

What would I do different? I would not do anything different. God was preparing me for this.

Every person is going to have to choose.

The afternoon meeting concluded with Conrad Vine giving a 3-volume gift set of Spirit of Prophecy books to Peter McCullough and Brad Paquette, a Michigan state representative.

There was a very good spirit at this meeting. It was informative and encouraging.


“People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:29).