Kingly power has been wielded against both the elders and the congregation. And now, many are left hurting. Two men of God have been wronged, and their families suffer alongside them.
Read moreTo The Editors of Fulrum7 And My Fellow Adventist Church Members
It is imperative that we church members let our voices be heard and cry out openly about the abuse of power that has taken place in our conference.
Read moreMission or Maintenance?
To be hot for Christ, means to be charged for his service.—not after a lengthy consultation with Risk Management and the Church Manual, but by the conviction the Holy Spirit places on your heart.
Read moreOffender for a Word: Is Conrad Vine a Heretic?
Conrad Vine’s message, then, did not contradict God’s promise through Ellen White. Vine stands in a long line of faithful servants of God who have risked their reputations and more to call out sin within the church. This is one of the means by which God prevents His church from falling.
Read morePastor Dennis Page Sends a Very Revealing Letter to Michigan Conference
I was deeply troubled to learn that a member of the Village Church had passed away, and the family requested Ron to conduct the funeral service. Pastor Taariq contacted the conference to inquire whether Ron could officiate, only to be told no.
Read moreEnduring Till the End In An Increasingly Hostile Environment
If the leadership at the top had responded to the pandemic by supporting liberty of conscience and promoting the health message, I wouldn’t be up at six in the morning writing this article.
Read moreAn Accurate Timeline of The Village Church / Michigan Conference Saga
After Ron Kelly’s closing argument that relocation was not a logical remedy for a pastor accused of bullying and fomenting dissent, MISDA doubled down on their defamation and fired him.
Read moreMark Howard’s Broadside Video Against Vine & Kelly
Ron Kelly was removed from his position because he was insisting on the due-process rights of not only Dr. Vine, but all local SDA church members, from arbitrary disciplinary action by a distant conference.
Read moreA Response to Pastor Mark Howard From a Former Church Member
I have yet to see an humble and sincere effort to admit any wrongdoing on the part of church leadership and I believe this would go a long way toward healing the rifts in our church.
Read more50 Shades of Apostasy
Though our GC president has challenged us to Hold Him Accountable, where is the mechanism where we can dialogue and pursue truth? How can we hold leaders accountable?
Read moreEurope is Watching The Village Church and Michigan Conference Saga
I know many brothers and sisters all over Europe and I can assure you that in every single country there are brothers and sisters who are following this whole situation closely and are outraged by the recent events.
Read moreVillage Church Elders Send Letter to Conference Affirming That MISDA Tried To Have Conrad Vine Stripped of His Church Offices
In the last meeting, when Dr. Conrad Vine was present, the MISDA President affirmed that the insurance for the new clinic would not be approved until Dr. Conrad Vine was removed from his positions.
Read moreNew Update From Pastor Ron Kelly
In the meantime I want to encourage you to watch a series of sermons that I preached a few years ago entitled True Men Wanted.
Read moreRon Kelly's Son Speaks About His Father Getting Fired By the Michigan Conference
They have attempted to cripple a church that was thriving and doing God’s work. They have done this DIRECTLY against the wishes of those who attend that church.
Read moreBeyond Reproach
In the action against Pastor Ron Kelly, the MISDA officers and leadership team would serve as the both prosecution and the prosecutorial witnesses.
Read moreAgainst Abuse of Power
They fed themselves, but they did not feed the flock. They had decent salaries, a solid retirement plan, good health insurance, tax breaks, and yet they did not feel grateful to God for these things.
Read morePathway to Paradise Speaks Out About Conrad Vine, Ron Kelly and the Shaking
Yet today, both of these men have been aggressively de-platformed, cancelled, and silenced by the very church that they have given their lives to build up.
Read moreRon Kelly's Daughter Speaks About Her Father
I share all of this with you, because I am beyond appalled at the decision of the Michigan Conference to fire my father from the Village SDA Church.
Read moreOpen Letter to Jim Micheff From Brandon Law
In addition to submitting my exemption request, I joined an organization which filed a lawsuit and eventually secured a nationwide injunction against the mandate I was facing.
Read moreVillage Church Meets For The First Time Without Their Pastor
After Francis’ statement, Head Elder Tom Wilson stood up and made this clarification, “Pastor Kelly has been transitioned out of the state of Michigan (not just the Village Church).”
Read more