To my dear Brother Ivor Myers and those who share your theological and intellectual persuasion, please hear this humble exhortation from a fellow Black sister who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and His last-day remnant church.
Years ago, I was involved in a street evangelism ministry in Venice Beach, California. Among the crowds of almost naked drug addicts, homelessness, and debauchery I literally stumbled upon what I feared most. There was a public stand guarded by three Black men who called themselves Black Israelites.
Black Israelites
I had never heard of this group before, so I stood to listen and study their materials on the concrete sidewalk. To paraphrase what I saw and heard: the real Jesus of Nazareth was a Blackman, the devil is White, and his associates are White people; and only Black people go to heaven because only Black people comprise the 12 tribes of Israel in reference to the 144,000. After restraining my outrage, their leader came up to me and requested to proselytize me with a ‘Bible Study’ that I refused. It was in that season that I began to study Black Liberation Theology and their founders who are all radical Black Americans. Again, I succinctly paraphrase: the basic teaching of this theology is essentially that the gospel is emancipatory to free Blacks from White oppression. It is basically a form of Marxism or class warfare that begins by misinterpreting the Exodus as a racially emancipatory event, to the misunderstanding that Christ’s new kingdom is not of this White-led world because He was not White and that His teachings were Marxist revolutionary in that it sought to overthrow the Roman White empire, and ends with another misinterpretation of the 144,000 that is racially exclusive.
What is the connection between the Black Israelites and Black Liberation Theology?— it is a new wave of destructive race-based theology that is seeping into all denominations, including ours. It is an insidious spirit that is both overt and covert by influencing how we handle the Word of God and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy to justify the agenda for Black supremacy. I am convicted that this is racial brainwashing and I have personally seen it play out even in my own biological family. This is a great danger—that race will dominate our theological and intellectual worldview and change the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan into a racial war between Blacks and Whites. Apart from being racist, divisive, heretical, and doctrinally incorrect, this is a completely different spirit and not that of Jesus Christ.
What does this have to do with Ivor Myers and other prominent Black theologians in our church like him? Nothing at all. This is not a personal vendetta but a call to sit at the table, pray and fast, and go back to the sound doctrines of our church.
Is it advisable for us as a church to continue to be so racially charged and divided? Is it sound for us as a church to have race-based conferences? Is it sound for members of our clergy to actively and publicly participate in radical political and social-justice (BLM) rallies? Is it sound for us to preach, teach, write, and promote variations of Black Liberation Theology just because we’re hearing it come out of pulpits from those who are not of our faith – as if to regurgitate their vain nonsense?
Worse still, is it right to pick and choose different quotes from our founders and wrongfully use them out of context as a justification for such a racially divisive cause; or use a racial lens to re-interpret our entire prophetic understanding? Is a racially based theology an enlightenment that we should all grab ahold of?
Will it make us love our White brethren more or less? Is it right for us to become intellectually apathetic or compromise doctrinal purity for racial appeasement? Why are so many of our Black leaders buying into this racial theology when it is literally tearing us apart by turning us into racists? Make no mistake, this is not about Ivor Myers, it’s much bigger than him or me or anyone else.
The Seventh-day Adventist church is much bigger than race, class or any linguistic or ethnic distinctions. We are called out of Babylon and the confusion of this world to aspire to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ that cuts across any social or ethnic boundaries. The gospel is indeed radical, and it makes us radicals only in the sense that we will never fit in with the world around us. As Jesus Himself said, we are salt and light, called to stand out and show the world the way to go (Matthew 5:14-16).
Again, my question to Ivor Myers and his comrades, what is the way to go? Is it a Black vs. White way, a political way, a social-justice way, or a mishmash of “everyone is right as long as we love each other and respect our differences”?
Should we revise/replay the historical facts of slavery/colonialism by bringing them back into the intellectual limelight as a nefarious form of cognitive behavioral therapy or transform our past transgressions by re-writing prophecy to gain a better future outcome? Then what, and to what end? Doctrine matters, interpretations matter, sound judgment matters, living out our faith practically matters, wisdom and discernment matter because these are the issues of life. This is the core of what it means to be a Christian, live like a Christian, behave like a Christian and show the world who Christ is.
Dear Brother Ivor Myers and your comrades, what does race have to do with anything? Does it make us more Christian? Does it make us more Adventist? Does it make us more fit for heaven? Why are we creating entire academic titles, departments, and positions just on race? Why are we spending so many dollars on institutional programs and “diversity” training courses on race? Why are we allowing Critical Race Theory in our classrooms and institutions? Why are we hiring and firing professionals based on their skin color? If race shouldn’t matter than why do current trends show otherwise? Indeed, we have a race problem in our church and that is the reality.
My question to you and your friends is, what are you doing about it to make it better? Is force-feeding a radical racial agenda working? My answer is—it isn’t. Bluntly, is it right to be so racist in attitude, speech, behavior and insinuation to our White brothers and sisters and at the same time demand their tolerance and empathy? This is not right. We cannot defeat racism with racism. It is important to talk about racism but it’s even more important to listen. I believe with my whole heart that winning hearts goes a long way to creating racial harmony. Not by might, nor by power, but by His Holy Spirit. The heart of the matter is the heart.
I’ll tell you what I’m doing about it. I chose to become a Conservative. I chose to live in a predominately White world thousands of miles away from my Black motherland. I chose to date a White man fully cognizant that his ancestors most likely benefitted from slavery and/or colonization of my own people. I chose to fully immerse myself in a White culture that may never accept me for my Blackness. I chose to be on the other extreme side of the political spectrum, specifically to be a Black voice and be honest about Black people’s experiences in this country and around the world. I made these conscious decisions, not blindly, not emotionally, and never romanticizing the extreme bigotry that I am vulnerable to face on any given day. I am not naïve or ignorant. I am a woman who has chosen to follow Jesus Christ and be His ambassador for the kingdom of God. I have chosen to pick up the cross of Christ and to follow Him to the grave. My love for Christ compels me to love bravely, honestly, and boldly. I am living out my faith.
Do not mistake me for being a White Supremacist or Breitbart Barbie, I am neither. Do not mistake me for being Whitewashed or controlled by my White superiors, I am not. Do not mistake me for anything because I will simply tell you the truth about my life. Yes, the road I take is hard. Yes, I face backlash. Yes, I have experienced racism and bigotry. Yes, I have been sexually abused. But I choose to continue to live because in my life only Jesus Christ is glorified.
How am I serving my own Black community and people? By not being a racist. By not feeding into a race war. By refusing to subscribe to racial politics and theology and calling it out by its rightful name. By walking the thin line of diplomacy, listening to both sides, and working towards the solid ground which is Jesus Christ. By promoting other Black Conservatives and raising their platforms for the kingdom of God. By cheering for my Black brothers and sisters when they succeed, when they do what is right, and when they shine brilliantly in their lives for Jesus. By not lowering the standard of decorum or truth for our Black community but encouraging excellence in who we are as a racial group. By publicly calling out racism coming from Whites, Blacks or whomever continues to divide the church I love so much. By holding the line by being a spiritual watchwoman committed to praying and fasting for my family, my community, and my church. By allowing the Holy Spirit to use me where I am by being true to who I am. I may not have the platform, influence or power and I don’t ask for it. I want Jesus Christ to be the supreme leader of my life and His church.
Lastly, Brother Ivor Myers and your friends, come and let us reason together. I personally encouraged you to write to this media outlet never to shame you or embarrass you, but as an invitation to allow your views to be heard here. If you have received new light by all means share it. I may not agree with it and our readers are entitled to their opinions. But agreement is not the end of the road, it’s just the beginning of life’s journey. I need you and our church needs you because you matter too. This is not a one-man or one-woman show. There is space at the table for you too. It is good for us to have a diversity of perspectives and by no means am I personally representative of an entire people group. I could be wrong; I welcome you to correct me. We are family and you are my brother. I continue to respect you however you choose to proceed with your own ministry. We can choose to agree to disagree but that should never make us rivals or enemies. As iron sharpens iron, it is good to allow ourselves to be pruned for our Master Jesus’ work.
Our dear readers, White and Black and others, it’s time for all of us to transcend race. I am tired and I know you are tired of reading yet another article about race. It can be frustrating to repeat what we all should have mastered at this point in world history. Race doesn’t matter - you matter - so much because Jesus Christ died for you and every single person on this planet. There is a heaven for you, for me and for everyone. Why loose out on eternity because…why? You’re offended, you can’t stand racists, you can’t tolerate people because of how they look or talk or act? Is your salvation that cheap? It cost Jesus Christ everything to die on the cross for our sins. It matters too much to Christ that we all need to gain victory over racism.
Liza Ngenye is a third generation Adventist living in Southern California. Her personal writing ministry primarily focuses on issues concerning spiritualism, sexuality and race. You can contact her by email: