At the end of the disputation, the council ruled that Zwingli was in the right, and that all unbaptized infants were to receive baptism within 8 days, or their parents were to be banished from Zürich.
Read moreAn Open Letter to Church Leaders
I am a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist, the grandson of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, A.D. McKee. I have always believed the Seventh-day Adventist message and I believe it now more than ever.
Read moreAn Accurate Timeline of The Village Church / Michigan Conference Saga
After Ron Kelly’s closing argument that relocation was not a logical remedy for a pastor accused of bullying and fomenting dissent, MISDA doubled down on their defamation and fired him.
Read moreTruth Over Lies: A Christian Reflection on Sexuality and Faith
Research by myself, theologians and Biblical scholars has not uncovered references to a person’s “sexual orientation” in Scripture. It’s not there.
Read moreRon Kelly's Son Speaks About His Father Getting Fired By the Michigan Conference
They have attempted to cripple a church that was thriving and doing God’s work. They have done this DIRECTLY against the wishes of those who attend that church.
Read moreGeneral Conference vs. North America Division, The Struggle Continues
In a nutshell, Henson sells inclusion of LGBT+ in the church based on a partial reading of the scripture, and justifies it under the guise of mission in the name of pseudo-love (Romans 16:17-18)..
Read moreDistinguishing Church Militancy From Triumph
Thankfully, we are not of the sort that would abandon God’s church because of a struggle but rather we stand our ground in the midst, planting the everlasting banner of present truth, the Three Angels Messages.
Read moreHow NOT to Live in the End Times
When Belshazzar saw the hand, the KJV and most Bibles write it politely, but the phrase “his hip joint became unlocked,” is a nice way to say that Belshazzar literally soiled himself in front of all the thousands of people
Read moreBlack History Month: Is Christ your King? Or is King your christ?
While we thank God for all of the progress and opportunities that have been afforded us in these last days, we must remember that our chief allegiance is to God and His word, rather than any man or any culture.
Read moreHow I Overcame Victimhood, Inferiority and Blame
God is the only reason I made it this far: I’ve had it all, I’ve lost it all, and through it all, God is constant in His faithfulness, love and kindness.
Read moreMy Letter to Ivor Myers
Is it advisable for us as a church to continue to be so racially charged and divided? Is it sound for us to have race-based conferences? Is it sound for members of our clergy to actively and publicly participate in radical political and social-justice (BLM) rallies?
Read moreThe Worst … From Within
I couldn’t conceive how such unkind words and contrasting observations and directives could come from a student who had to consider their educational options prior to attending this university.
Read moreOvercoming Sexual Abuse, Addiction and Trauma
One day you will arrive at true freedom: when you think of your perpetrator you can pray for their mercy and grace (Matthew 5:44). Unforgiveness is the fuel to any addiction and the stronghold of victimization. True freedom is complete forgiveness.
Read moreSportoholicism
I praise Him for deliverance. I praise Him that I now have all this extra time to spend with Him and my family. That my mood is not dependent upon the outcome of some meaningless game.
Read moreThe Problem with Black Music (and Why You Shouldn’t Listen To It)
Black music should not be listened to by any serious Christian. I repeat, Black music should not be listened to by any serious Christian. “For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
Read moreWhy I Am a Black Conservative
We as Blacks and Africans have our problems and they are all rooted in what we call Black Spiritualism. Our insecurities, our fears and our mistrust of other races are the strongholds that the enemy uses to keep us in the faulty system of racial separateness.
Read moreNegative Thoughts
I was alive, I was loved, the birds were singing. I was in love with living. The most incredible thing was that for the first time in 39-years I knew my heavenly Father loved me, and I felt emotionally His love.
Read moreVillage Church Testimony -- Jesus Delivers a Woman From The Pain of Abortion
This experience locked her heart with shame and guilt. Made it calloused. Two years later, she became pregnant again from the same boyfriend. Once more, she went to Planned Parenthood. “Who would want me now?”
Read moreWhat to Do ??
Because of the benefit we received from this booklet, we have shared many copies over the years with persons who were struggling as we were. We found it to be both encouraging and very personally challenging.
Read more'Can the Church Affirm LGBTQ?' -- A Courageous Sermon by Danny Shelton
How should we respond to ourselves and to the people around us? The battle for political correctness, wokeness and cancel culture is real. What will you do?
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