A Bedlam Of Noise in SDA Churches

Dr. Isaac Olatunji delivers a powerful message on music.

“In many places we have adopted the ways of the world and brothers and sisters it is a sign that probation is soon to close. Music in some of our Seventh-day Adventist churches has gone too far.”

The bedlam of noise that Ellen White predicted has carried over into Seventh-day Adventism. History is repeating itself, even in Pathfinders.

48:22—49:59 ”People defend this thing, they want to make it a cultural thing, but brothers and sisters this is worldly culture. This is not the praise and worship that God wants us to give.”

Don’t let your children be exposed to this kind of stuff—especially in the church.

This is not about finding some new apostasies we can expose on the internet, this is about worshiping God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).

Our church isn't weakening because it needs this kind of music. It's weakening because it is no longer preaching the truth. The truth preached honestly would bring true, hungry believers into the church.
