Should I Attend A Gay Wedding?

A couple years ago, a spiritually confused relative of my wife’s decided to marry someone of the same sex. It was trendy, it was allowed in her state, and it felt right to her. We declined to attend the ‘wedding’ for biblical reasons.

It’s Not Marriage

I would not attend the homosexual wedding ceremony of a relative or anyone else.  Why?  Number one, it’s not a wedding, because it’s not a marriage.  Therefore, to be attending it as a wedding is to be false.  God has defined marriage as the covenantal union for life between a biological man and a biological woman as husband and wife (Matthew 19:4-6; Genesis 2:18, 21-24).  A homosexual wedding is not a marriage and not a wedding, therefore we’re not going to lie about it by going. 

Marriage is a Covenant

Additionally, I believe marriage to be a covenant, rather than a contract, which reflects the relationship between Christ and the church (Eph 5:22-33). By definition, such a covenant must be between husband and wife, man and woman (Isaiah 62:5).

Not Joined in Heaven

Secondly, this union is not being joined in heaven.  Jesus said “What God hath joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:9).  This is what makes weddings awesome—they are not human accomplishments.  The pairing of two men or two women is not being joined in heaven, and to give the impression that it is, is an offense to heaven. 

A Wedding is a Worship Service

A wedding ceremony, in the Christian tradition, is first of all a worship service. So if the union being celebrated in the service cannot be biblically sanctioned as an act of worship, we believe the service lends credence to a lie. We cannot in good conscience participate in a service of false worship.

Celebrating Destruction

Blessing this event would be hateful for us to do it.  It would be confirming a life and lifestyle that leads to hell.  Paul said,

“Don’t be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, or idolaters or adulters, or men who practice homosexuality, or thieves, or greedy, or drunkards or revilers  or swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). 

They won’t.  So to celebrate this lifestyle is to celebrate the destruction of human beings.  It would be like gathering to celebrate theft, adultery, or drunkenness.  Anyone who joins in celebrating sin is sinning. 

It Destroys The Symbol of Christ and His Church

A homosexual wedding will defile the meaning of Christ and the Church.  God designs marriage to display Christ’s covenant to his bride—the Church.  To celebrate a brideless union as marriage is to distort and deface the parable of the most beautiful act in the world.  The wedding is not a party for friends and family. It's not a mere ceremonial formality. It is a divine event in which those gathered celebrate and honor the "solemnization of holy matrimony."

Sorrow and Revulsion

Last, the weight of sorrow and revulsion would be overwhelming at an event like this.  Our not going is not us drawing away from our friend/relative but their drawing away from us.  I am where I have always been, and am available when / if they want to talk about life.

Witnesses at a wedding are not merely spectating. Their mere presence implies their support of the union. Because our Lord has told us not to celebrate or approve sin (Isa. 5:20; Rom. 1:32), Christians should not attend gay weddings.

Unsurprisingly, the aforementioned ‘marriage’ failed in a few short years.

Love without truth lies.
Truth without love harms.


Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).