The modern man finds himself adrift in a sea of confusion, emasculated by a culture that has declared war on masculinity..
Read moreTruth Over Lies: A Christian Reflection on Sexuality and Faith
Research by myself, theologians and Biblical scholars has not uncovered references to a person’s “sexual orientation” in Scripture. It’s not there.
Read moreIs the Adventist Review Going Soft on LGBTQ?
We do not help each other in the fight for holiness when we allow for righteousness to look increasingly strange and sin to look increasingly normal.
Read moreSDA Church Files Complaint In Maryland, Asking For The Right to Fire LGBTQ Employees
“Plaintiffs believe that all their employees are representatives of the Church and are responsible for sharing the Church’s faith with the world,” wrote lawyers for the church and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
Read moreOpen Letter to Upper Columbia Conference Leaders
I am a senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist church. We are in interesting times where there may be consequences within the church for defending the truth and expressing concerns as I and others have done.
Read moreThousand Oaks SDA Church Pastor and Magician Preaches Hyper-Grace Message
The implication Tahir is making about the gay prodigal son is the Father would not have rejected his son even if he were hand in hand with a boyfriend because the Father is aware of the woke hierarchy of human significance.
Read moreBelonging
We are hard pressed to find a single academy or university who openly offers hope, redemption, love and restoration in Jesus, for anyone identifying as LGBT+.
Read moreLoma Linda University School of Medicine Goes (more) Woke
During Dr. Appel’s opening line, he announced, “After living and working for the last 20 years in Africa, I feel I’ve earned the right to be a little controversial and I intend to take advantage of that today."
Read moreFeminism Against Progress—Kirkpatrick Reacts
The endpoint of a three century struggle for progress, understood as individual separateness, has culminated in a political effort to eliminate all meaningful sex differences through technology.
Read moreThe United Methodist Church General Conference Session Approves Gay Marriage, Ordination
It is difficult today to identify this religious body as the movement it was centuries ago. We should ask ourselves, Are we grounded in the Scriptures? Are we ready, individually, to hold on to truth? Or, are we ourselves at risk to be swept away in the engulfing cultural tsunami?
Read moreWhat Ministry Magazine Had To say About Homosexuality in 1978
Sin has brought this condition on. In that sense we must recognize disease in our analysis of the homosexual. There is a diseased function of mind as opposed to organic disease.
Read morePastor Larry Kirkpatrick: Potomac Ordains Female LGBTQ Advocate
Although Seventh-day Adventists have agreed according to the Bible and church order in multiple General Conference Sessions not to ordain women to the gospel ministry, the Potomac Conference just ordained Joanne Cortes to the gospel ministry.
Read moreGeneral Conference vs. North America Division, The Struggle Continues (Part 2)
That Henson was invited here to do actual Posture Shift classes because some UCC pastors and teachers wanted it, therefore represents a huge problem. What do they actually believe?
Read moreGeneral Conference vs. North America Division, The Struggle Continues
In a nutshell, Henson sells inclusion of LGBT+ in the church based on a partial reading of the scripture, and justifies it under the guise of mission in the name of pseudo-love (Romans 16:17-18)..
Read moreThe Blitz Against Creation!
Are you attracted by hairy old men dressing up as woman to entertain young children? How about the logical connection between being attracted to your same sex and deciding that you were born the wrong gender?
Read moreStaggering Lessons From the Biggest Church Split in American History: United Methodists
This is a lesson for us in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This is a huge worldview issue. A denomination can't go in two directions at once on key issues of the truth of the Scripture, and the integrity of the Everlasting Gospel.
Read moreTo Tithe or Not To Tithe? That Is The Question
Tithing is for our own benefit. God does not need the money, He wants our hearts and minds! But generally speaking, most people won’t give 10% of their income to something they don’t believe in.
Read moreGood News in Berrien Springs
God’s timing is perfect, and His ways sometimes past finding out! We are happy to inform you that Coming Out Ministries closed on the purchase last Thursday.
Read moreVatican Approves Same-Sex Blessings
I had to ask myself as a Protestant pastor, What would I be willing to pray for same-sex couples? Would my prayers differ substantially from what the pope suggests? Yes they would.
Read moreQuestions From a Young Person in Europe
If we have a decentralized structure, why do lay people get the impression that neither lay people below nor the GC above can do anything against a rebellious union/conference? Does this not mean that power is centralized “in the middle”?
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