Methodist Pastor Defends the Seventh-day Sabbath

Pastor Jeffrey Rickman is the pastor of the Nowata Methodist church in Nowata, Oklahoma. His church is among those that split from the (pro-LGBTQ+) United Methodist church.

Recently, he gave a sermon in which he defended the seventh-day Sabbath. This video clip is apparently taken from a longer sermon,

”There is no place in the Bible that cancels out the Sabbath. Yes, Jesus did push back on how they observe the Sabbath, but let's be very clear. Did Jesus observe the sabbath? Yes he did. Yes he did.

Now, He protected works of mercy on the Sabbath, but He protected the Sabbath Day. And here it makes it very clear that when we honor the Lord and His creation, then we honor the pattern that He set. Six days working our butts off, one day off.”


“And they shall come from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God” (Luke 13:29).