What Conrad Vine Actually Said

Conrad Vine spoke at the Caribou campmeeting in Maine two weeks ago. In one of his messages he outlined how the SDA church was slowly becoming a ‘regime church’, as evidenced by the GC aligning with the lousy Biden vaccine mandates in 2021. Those mandates were dismissed by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. This means the GC sided with the government on an unconstitutional mandate—a tremendous display of poor judgment.

After his sermon, Vine received numerous accolades from Adventists around the world, and he was also canceled by a few entities. One of those entities who canceled Vine, was Secrets Unsealed, who disinvited him from speaking at their Fall Symposium (he had been scheduled for over a year as a speaker). Yesterday, Steve Bohr issued a short video explaining why they had canceled Vine. AudioVerse also removed all of Conrad Vine’s messages from their website, last week.

Scott Ritsema, weary of taking other people’s word for what Vine said or did not say in his sermon, reviewed Vine’s Regime Church sermon carefully and made this video. Hopefully it brings you some clarity:

At Fulcrum7, we admire Conrad Vine’s commitment to liberty of conscience and Stephen Bohr’s commitment to biblical preaching. We like both men. You may recall, Fulcrum7 had Bohr’s back numerous times when he was canceled by tyrannical left-wing conferences. Think, Potomac Conference in 2023.

Walk with the King and be a blessing!



Scott Ritsema is the founder and director of Belt of Truth Ministries and Media on the Brain. He lives in Lakeview Michigan with his wife Cami and three amazing children!
