Robert F. Kenndy’s “A Letter to Liberals”

In a short book entitled, “A Letter to Liberals,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. laments that, although he is a liberal Democrat in the mold of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his own uncle, John F. Kennedy, his criticism of the handling of the Covid pandemic has made him a pariah among other liberal Democrats.

The American Left, Kennedy notes, has embraced what he calls, “Lockdown Liberalism.” Lockdown Liberals refuse to read or debate the science; they place their faith in the propaganda of infamously corrupt pharmaceutical companies (did you know that drug companies have paid $86 billion in civil and criminal penalties since the year 2000?). They practice a cult-like submission to a panoply of purported Covid counter-measures unsupported by any real scientific research, and they expect such blind faith of everyone else, even scientists and medical doctors, upon pain of professional de-licensure and loss of livelihood.

This blind obedience, says Kennedy, is a mind virus that now infects the whole Democratic Party.  The attempt to hijack science in pursuit of an anti-freedom agenda is typified by Anthony Fauci’s claim that he personifies science:

“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. . . . So if you are trying to get at me as a public health official and scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you are attacking science. . . . You have to be asleep not to see that.”—NIAID director Anthony Fauci, Meet the Press, June 9, 2021

Most shockingly (to Kennedy), Lockdown Liberals have enthusiastically embraced censorship of anyone who does not toe the line on Covid and the “vaccines.” Kennedy has written this short book to challenge his fellow liberals to reexamine the assertions that underlie what has turned into an assault on freedom, liberty, the philosophy of classical liberalism, and the United States Constitution.

 Why aren’t liberals liberal anymore?

Kennedy notes that the word liberal comes from a Latin root, liber, which means freedom and liberty.  He asserts that liberals once believed in freedom:

“Conventional FDR/JFK liberalism prided itself on its open-minded tolerance of contrary opinion, its implacable protectiveness of the right to dissent, its embrace of new ideas, and its fearless love for contention and disputation. Democrats were once the party of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and faith in scientific and liberal empiricism. Liberalism’s foundational assumption, after all, is that freedom of speech and expression are essential to a functioning democracy; the free flow of information yields governing policies that have been annealed in the cauldron of fierce, open debate before triumphing on the battlefield of ideas.” A Letter to Liberals, p. 11-12

What do liberals believe today?  According to an August 18, 2021, Pew Research Center Survey, sixty-five percent (65%) of Democrats currently support government censorship of unauthorized opinions.

Today’s Democrats do not believe in freedom, they do not believe that the Demos—the people—can be trusted with freedom of speech and a free press—bedrock First Amendment guarantees. They believe it is permissible for elites to censor information they  do not approve of.

“Unable to defend the scientific underpinnings of their ideology in debate, liberals rely on book bans and an arsenal of coercive muzzling strategies including deplatforming, delicensing, doxxing, gaslighting, defunding, retracting, marginalizing, and vilifying scientists, physicians, journalists, and vaccine-injured Americans who complied but now refuse to toe the official line. The hallmark of Lockdown Liberalism is a bullying form of censorship called “cancel culture,” which disappears not just the heretical language, but also the heretic who uttered it.” A Letter to Liberals, p. 12

Today’s Left does not want to have a debate.  They want to cancel the debate and cancel you! 


Did the Covid “Vaccines” Save Millions and End the Pandemic?

The official narrative is that the Covid “Vaccines” saved millions of lives and ended the pandemic, but evidence is lacking. By contrast, there is much evidence that the “vaccines” may have been counter-productive:

“Countries with a higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per million people.”[1] US deaths attributed to COVID in 2022—after mass vaccination—were higher than they were in 2020, before vaccination.[2]  Aegon Insurance reported a 2021 third-quarter rise of 40 percent in US COVID-19 deaths among people under 65 years old, “the highest percentage in any quarter since the pandemic began.”[3] In March 2022, South Korea, one of the most vaccinated nations on Earth, reported record-high COVID infections and mortalities following its aggressive national booster program. COVID deaths in March in South Korea exceeded all prior fatalities combined.[4]

Despite the global propaganda effort to persuade us otherwise, the experience of South Korea is the norm. Mass vaccination demonstrated “negative efficacy” against Covid, meaning that cases and deaths were higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated.

The countries with the lowest WuFlu death rates were not mass-vaccinated. Haiti had one of the world’s lowest vaccination rates at only 1.4%, yet Haiti suffered only 837 covid deaths in a population of over 11.5 million.[5] Nigeria, with a 1.5-percent vaccination rate, suffered 15 deaths per million population; compare that to a United States death rate nearly 200 times higher—2,995 deaths per million.[6]

“By following Dr. Fauci’s protocols, America achieved the world’s 16th-worst record in deaths per million population. The US, with its single-minded vaccination strategy, also racked up the highest overall COVID body count; with only four and a quarter percent (4.35%) of the world’s population, the United States endured sixteen percent (16%) of global COVID deaths. Dr. Fauci’s policies yielded fatality rates 63 percent above the average among all industrialized nations.” (A Letter to Liberals, pp. 29-30)

This is a record of catastrophic failure. Obviously, the whole panoply of Covid countermeasures, including the “vaccines,” did not work. And yet the Left continues to insist that Anthony Fauci is a great hero.


While the Covid “vaccines” did not work, Ivermectin did

By contrast to the expensive and deadly mess in the United States, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (population 235 million) ended the pandemic overnight by distributing ivermectin to its citizens. With only 20 percent of adults fully vaccinated, Uttar Pradesh had 100 Covid deaths per million population, some thirty times lower than America’s death rate. Other nations like Japan (233.19 deaths per million) and Singapore (234.09 deaths per million) also ended their pandemics after providing their citizens with ivermectin and other anti-viral medications.

There were scores of peer-reviewed studies of Ivermectin, over one hundred, that supported Ivermectin’s safety and efficacy, yet the Fauci-led Western medical establishment all but outlawed Ivermectin.

The one Ivermectin study they pointed to was done by a researcher with strong financial ties to Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation.  Unsurprisingly, that study did not find any benefit to the use of Ivermectin, probably because it was administered for only 3 days late in the disease course, when other research showed best efficacy when it was administered for 5 days early in the disease course.

Why the war on Ivermectin?  As documented in Robert Kennedy’s longer book, The Real Anthony Fauci, a little-known law prohibits Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for new vaccines when any existing drugs can effectively treat the disease. This law forced Fauci, Bill Gates, and their Pharmaceutical-industrial-complex associates into a malicious crusade to sabotage ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other early treatments, all to clear the path for Big Pharma’s obscenely lucrative “vaccines only” approach.


The “Vaccines” did Not Prevent Infection or Transmission

When the vaccines were rolled out, it was claimed they would prevent infection and transmission, but Pfizer, based upon animal studies it had done, had good reason to know this claim was probably false. Instagram deplatformed Robert Kennedy for pointing out that monkey studies done in May of 2020 revealed that vaccinated monkeys caught and transmitted Covid at the same frequency as the unvaccinated.[7]

Everyone who attended an April 19, 2022, Gridiron Dinner in Washington, DC, had to show proof of vaccination, yet 72 of them tested positive for Covid after the event. That same week, the WuFlu infected 200 passengers on a Carnival Cruise Line voyage which had required full vaccination for every passenger.

The question the Left needs to ask itself is: if the vaccinated are as likely to spread COVID as the unvaccinated—as Dr. Fauci now acknowledges—then on what basis do we justify the draconian mandates that denied unvaccinated workers their jobs, children their education, and encouraged the bullying and bigotry that made the unvaccinated reviled second-class citizens?  Not only were the unvaccinated denied jobs and the right to earn a living, hospitals denied life-saving treatment, all without any  scientific rationale.

Australia confined unvaccinated, infected, and exposed citizens to internment camps, while Austria confined unvaccinated citizens to house arrest. Governments across the world banned protests and dissent, and authorized extreme forms of oppression, including jailing thousands. In America, the Left supported this; Rasmussen poll data show widespread liberal support for confining the unvaccinated and taking away their children.


“Negative Efficacy”: The Vaccinated Are More Susceptible to Covid

A large, peer-reviewed Swedish study published in June, 2022, in The Lancet, Britain’s premier medical journal, confirmed that vaccine efficacy drops into negative territory 7 to 9 months after vaccination, meaning that by that time, the shot is doing more harm than good.[8] This study was confirmed by data from Israel, New Zealand, and the UK.[9]

These findings confirmed the fears of Dr. Peter Hotez, Dr. Paul Offit and many others that the Covid vaccines would lead to a phenomenon known as “pathogenic priming”, also known as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). True to these predictions, the Covid vaccine benefits wane rapidly, drifting across the threshold into negative efficacy after about 6 months, when the vaccinated become more likely to suffer from COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths than the unvaccinated.

A British study published in Science in June, 2022, found that the vaccines alter the body’s T-cells, making them hyper-vigilant to the original version of Covid while diminishing their capacity to combat newer variants. In the words of Alex Berenson, “the mRNA shots appear to permanently wrongfoot the immune systems of people who receive them and bias them toward producing T-cells to attack variants that no longer exist.”

As time went on, and it became apparent that the vaccinated were doing worse than the unvaccinated, governments and health agencies stopped publishing the data. On March 20, 2022, the UK National Health Service stopped publishing data, after infections among the vaccinated in some age groups climbed past three hundred percent (300%) over the unvaccinated.  Similarly, in April, 2022, both the CDC and the New York Times ceased publishing daily postings of case and death frequency of the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed—just as the graphs began to show no benefit from vaccination.


Did the Vaccines Lower the Risk of Hospitalization and Death?

As it became very obvious that the Covid vaccines did not, in fact, prevent infection or transmission, Fauci and the Covidiots retreated to the position that the vaccines lowered the risk of a severe bout leading to hospitalization or even death. As Kennedy writes,

“This claim—that vaccines are effective against serious illness and death—appears to be a final, anemic redoubt for defending the global mass-vaccination enterprise. However, the peer-reviewed published literature from countries with the best data systems and the most widespread vaccine coverage explodes this assertion as yet another bait and switch.”

A study from Israel shows ninety percent (90%) of hospitalized Covid patients had been fully vaccinated,[10] whereas seventy-eight percent (78%) of all Israelis were fully vaccinated.[11] This means the vaccinated were more likely to end up hospitalized than the unvaccinated. The same was true in Britain (90% of hospitalized patients were vaccinated, and 80% of them triple vaxxed, but the whole population was only 70% vaxxed and boosted), and Australia (87% of hospitalized were vaxxed, but only 77% of the total population).  In Canada, the triple vaxxed had a 50% higher death rate than the double vaxxed.[12]

Comparing two Caribbean nations, Haiti had a vaccination rate of 1%, while Cuba had a vaccination rate of 88%, yet Haiti had 837 Covid fatalities and Cuba had 8,529, greater by an order of magnitude.


The Vaccines are Doing Far More Harm Than Good

A May 2022 preprint in the Lancet found that while vaccines may slightly reduce Covid deaths in the short term, they produce no overall mortality advantage.  A month later, in June 2022, another Lancet preprint concluded that mRNA vaccines are causing more serious injuries and hospitalizations than they are averting. “The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpass the risk reduction for Covid-19 hospitalization relative to placebo group for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.”

By May, 2022, UK government data showed that five times (500%) as many vaccinated as un-vaccinated were hospitalized for non-Covid injuries and illnesses.  So the vaccines gave weak protection for six months after which the vaxed were more likely to get Covid than the unvaxed; then, to make matters far worse, the vaccinated were five times as likely to be hospitalized for some problem unrelated to Covid!

That the vaccines were harming people became obvious almost immediately.  Over the first 17 months following the rollout, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had recorded an astonishing 1.3 million adverse events, 242,000 of which were considered serious injuries, including blood clots, strokes, myocarditis, seizures, paralysis, hepatitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Bell’s palsy, vaginal lesions, diabetes, spontaneous abortions, heart attacks, and genital ulcers. (Today, the number of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS stands at 2.6 million)

And death. Some 37,300 deaths have been reported to VAERS in association with the Covid vaccines, but the real number the vaccines have killed is far higher, because VAERS captures only a tiny percentage of side-effects. According to an HHS study, VAERS captures less than 0.3% of all adverse drug reactions, and between 1% and 13% of serious adverse events. Hence, it is very likely that the Covid vaccines have killed over 300,000 Americans, and over a million worldwide. Credible estimates from numerous databases suggest that between 150,000 and 388,000 Americans have died from the clot shot since January, 2021.

But did the vaccines save more lives than they took?  Preliminarily, vaccines have never been evaluated on that basis. The rule of medicine is “first, do no harm.”  Death from a disease in nature is not ethically comparable to death from a man-made treatment; the latter is the physician’s fault, and is avoidable and unnecessary. 

In 1976, there was an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease in which 29 people died; the disease is very serious and has a 10% fatality rate. The authorities responded with a campaign of mass vaccinated against Legionnaire’s disease, but it was halted after fewer than 50 deaths were reported to VAERS.

So in the 1970s, 50 deaths halted a mass vaccination campaign, but in the 2020s, 37,000 deaths are ignored? What accounts for this radical change in the philosophy of vaccination? I think the difference is that the power of the drug companies has increased exponentially, as has the corruption of the medical establishment, the media, government agencies such as the FDA and CDC, and everyone else in America’s current corruptocracy.

According to Pfizer’s own clinical trial data, 22,000 vaccines must be administered to prevent a single Covid death. (That means that if the adverse reaction rate is 1% [and some believe it is as high as 20%], 220 people will have an adverse reaction to the “vaccines” for every life saved.) But Pfizer’s data also revealed that the vaccinated had a twenty-three percent (23%) increase in all-cause mortality over the next six months, and the risk of fatal cardiac arrest was elevated by four hundred percent (400%) over the unvaccinated. Obviously, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze; the vaccines do far more harm than good.


Why the Excess Mortality?

One of the saddest realizations from the Covid saga is that the medical establishment is corrupt. There were hundreds of billions of dollars to be made, and it became clear pretty quickly that, to pocket that money, they were going to lie constantly about everything all the time. They lied about the efficacy of masks, they lied about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, they lied about Covid being a threat to children, they lied about the need to close schools, and when the vaccines came out, they lied about their safety and efficacy.  Most egregiously, they lied about the fact that the vaccines were killing a lot of people.

Except for VAERS, they refused to keep good records of possible adverse reactions. But the truth about the destruction caused by the vaccines is back-stopped, so to speak, by the “all-cause” mortality statistics kept by insurance companies. Insurance companies keep accurate statistics because their commercial viability depends upon having real numbers and knowing the truth.

According to J. Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica, a life insurance company headquartered in Indiana, excess mortality was up 40% in the third quarter of 2021.  Remember that Covid was mostly killing people over age 65, with the average fatality being 78 years old.  These deaths were not Covid deaths; they were among working age people, age 18 through 64.

“We are seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business. Previous crises pale in comparison to the pandemic. A one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a ten percent (10%) increase over pre-pandemic levels. So forty percent is just unheard of.”

Lincoln National, the nation’s fifth largest insurance company, reported a 163% increase in death benefit payouts from group life policies during 2022 from “non-pandemic-related mortality.” (Group life policies are an employee benefit, so we’re talking about working age people below the age of 65.) The company paid out about $500 million in 2019, $548 million in 2020, and $1.4 billion in 2021 during the mass vaccination campaign. 

Again, it must be emphasized that Covid tended to kill people near the end of life (78 is the life expectancy in the United States) but the Covid vaccines killed people in the prime of life.  Ed Dowd, a Wall Street wizard and former Blackrock fund manager, notes that data reported by insurance companies showed a shocking 85% rise in mortality in the people ages 25 to 44. “The millennial age group saw 61,000 excess deaths in a one-year time frame . . . I mean they just experienced a Vietnam War in a year.”  

The Military health database reported an eleven hundred percent (1,100%) increase in mortality and morbidity within the 18 to 49 age group of vaccinated military personnel in 2021 over previous years. As of April 26, 2022, the website GoodScience has chronicled 992 cardiac arrests among athletes, with 644 of those heart attacks being fatal.  Israel has begun equipping public schools with defibrillators, and some U.S. schools now routinely require children to submit to cardiac testing in order to participate in school athletic programs.

As part of a campaign to normalize sudden death among young athletes, the CDC has created a new cause of death, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS). But “SADS” is obviously just people killed by the vaccines; there is no other remotely plausible explanation.


Why are we vaccinating Children Against Covid?

Which raises the question, why were children vaccinated against Covid?  On March 10, 2022, the CDC admitted that there was no record of even a single otherwise healthy child under the age of 15 dying from Covid. Comprehensive research from Germany and the UK, and separate studies by Johns Hopkins, Nature and The Lancet had all previously re-affirmed that healthy children have zero risk of dying from Covid.  An otherwise healthy child dying of Covid was never a reality.  

But, in contrast to Covid itself, vaccinating children does kill children. Research done by Wayne Winston suggest that all-cause mortality among children ages 10 to 14 is 28 times higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Children should never be given the clot shot!  They are at zero risk from Covid, but significant risk from the so called “vaccines.”


The Hidden Political Agenda Behind the Covid Counter-Measures

“Anthony Fauci’s quarantine was a prolonged pajama party for the upper-crust Americans who could afford DoorDash food deliveries and Amazon shopping. Lockdowns provided a novel adventure in telecommuting for the laptop elites, and cushy year of remote education for their children.”

The lockdowns were counterproductive epidemiologically.  Covid spreads indoors, not outdoors, so telling people to stay inside and not go to the gym—and arresting people who went to the beach or the park—was counterproductive, stressful, and led to poorer general health and more obesity, which among people under 78 was the primary co-morbidity leading to death from Covid.

The lockdowns lowered IQ and impacted early childhood developmental in infants and toddlers. Masks impaired emerging speech and language skills in children during critical developmental stages. On average, American toddlers lost an astonishing 22 IQ points during the lockdowns, according to a Brown University study. The CDC responded by readjusting childhood milestones, so that a child is now expected to walk in 18 months, rather than 12, and learn 50 words at 30 months rather than 24 months.

But did you know that the lockdowns created nearly five hundred new tech and pharmaceutical billionaires?  The lockdowns shifted money from locally owned and operated businesses, who were crushed by the enforced closures, but tech billionaires doubled their wealth. The number of business owners plummeted by 3.3 million between February and April of 2020, crushing the middle-class backbone of our democratic republic.

The lockdowns engineered a $3.98 trillion shift in wealth from the poor, working class and middle class to a new oligarchy of pharma billionaires, social and mainstream media titans, surveillance capitalists, and military contractors.  It is no secret that the tech and pharma billionaires support the ruling Marxist politburo, whereas the small business owners, the brick-and-mortar local stores, support Trump and the Republicans. 

Gobally, lockdowns pushed over 130 million into food insecurity and caused millions of deaths from starvation. As a result, some 60 million additional children will grow up in poverty and malnutrition, according to a UNICEF estimate. Another UNICEF report estimates that lockdowns have already killed 228,000 children in South Asia alone.



Covid, the lockdowns, the countermeasures, and especially the vaccines, were a planned communist atrocity.  The disease itself was a “gain of function” bioweapon; we now know beyond any reasonable doubt that the virus was the product of genetic engineering at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, paid for by Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, DARPA and the Chinese Communist Party. Neither the lockdowns nor the vaccine were indicated or justified by sound science, medicine, or public health practices.  This was a political operation planned long in advance in conclaves such as “Event 201.”

It was designed to destroy the American economy, get rid of Trump, shift wealth away from middle class supporters of limited, constitutional government and toward the Davos class of globalists, tech lords, and arms dealers, destroy the American middle class, destroy freedom of speech, impose a very strict censorship regime on social media (which had become the people’s public square for free speech), permanently destroy our election system by the introduction of mass mail-out ballots and anonymous ballot drop-boxes, and kill and sterilize as many people as possible. They even stopped us going to church, because the globalist elites who planned this and carried it off despise Christianity. As noted elsewhere, this heinous villainy succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of its planners.

Appallingly, our church leaders at Silver Spring went along with it.  Why did they fall for this, when it became obvious early on what was happening? Our church is financially tied to a corrupt, callous medical/pharmaceutical industry. Apparently, money means a great deal to the Maryland gang, more than the freedom and well-being of Adventists, or anyone else.

They could have stayed silent on the vaccine issue.  At a minimum, the church could have issued a statement saying that it supports its members’ right of conscience to take or not take the vaccine based upon their religious convictions.  But instead, the church collaborated with those perpetrating a communist atrocity; it issued a statement saying,

“The Seventh-day Adventist Church, in consultation with the Health Ministries and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty departments of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is convinced that the vaccination programs that are generally being carried out are important for the safety and health of our members and the larger community. Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately in objecting to government mandates or employer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities.”

Thus did the Silver Spring gang deliver the Adventist people over to the tender mercies of the pharmaceutical industrial complex and the Davos Marxists experimenting with ways to snuff out human lives and human liberty.

As to Robert Kennedy, his hope that “liberals” will ever see reason on this or any other issue is sad and pitiful. The Democratic Party of his father and uncle is as gone with the wind as the antebellum South. Today’s Democratic Party does not believe in science; it believes men can become women and women can become men.  It is animated by the same worship of totalitarian power that brought us Lysenkoism (although, in fairness to Josef Stalin, Soviet scientists never proposed anything as absurd and anti-science as that men can bear children, nor did Stalin’s doctors commit atrocities comparable to castrating young boys and cutting the breasts of 12-year-old girls). 

Today’s Democratic Party stays in power only because it has no decency, no morals, a profound hatred of God and all truth, and has mastered the dark art of election rigging. These people utterly despise freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all human freedom and flourishing. They are bringing the Gulag to America soon. The Covid/vaccine atrocity was just a warm-up act, a prelude, a preview of coming attractions.

So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; so justice goes forth perverted.” Hab. 1:4


[1] S.V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar, “Increases in Covid-19 Are Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination Across 68 Countries and 2947 Counties in the United States,” European Journal of Epidemiology (2021),


[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Table1. Deaths Involving Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Pneumonia, and Influenza Reported to NCHS by Time-Period and Jurisdiction of Occurrence,” CDC, Data as of Apr. 26, 2022, *Search Table 1 at the bottom by Month and Year.


[3] Toby Sterling, “Aegon, Other Insurers Hit by U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in Third Quarter,” Reuters, Nov. 11, 2021,


[4] TrialSite Staff, “Record Surge of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea—What’s Going on?” TrialSite News, Mar. 20, 2022,


[5] Jim Hoft, “Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, the Current Vax Rate is 1.4%—Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World—Weird, Huh?” Gateway Pundit, Jul. 8, 2022,


[6] “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Deaths Worldwide Per One Million Population as of Apr. 26, 2022, by Country,” Statista, 2022,


[7] Neeltje van Doremalen et al., “ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination Prevents SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia in Rhesus Macaques,” bioRxiv, May 13, 2020,; William A. Haseltine, “Did the Oxford Covid Vaccine Work in Monkeys? Not Really,” Forbes, May 16, 2020,



[8] Peter Nordström, PhD, Marcel Ballin, MSc, Anna Nordström, PhD, “Risk of Infection, Hospitalisation, and Death Up To 9 Months After a Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine: A Retrospective, Total Population Cohort Study in Sweden,” The Lancet 399, no. 10327 (2022): 814-823,


[9] Guy Hatchard, PhD, “NZ Ministry of Health Data Shows Triple Vaccinated Are Now More Vulnerable to Covid Infection and Hospitalisation than the Unvaccinated,” The Exposé, Apr. 6, 2022,


[10] Pnina Shitrit, “Nosocomial Outbreak Caused by the Sars-Cov-2 Delta Variant in a Highly Vaccinated Population, Israel, July 2021,” Eurosurveillance 26, no. 39 (2021),


[11] Meredith Wadman, “A Grim Warning from Israel: Vaccination Blunts, but Does Not Defeat Delta,” Science, Aug. 16, 2021, 6:55 PM,

[12] The citations are all in the book, which is still for sale as an ebook for only $4.00.