I have been following the articles in the Upper Columbia Conference about transgenders, gays, etc. and just when I think it can’t go any further off track another unsupported non-Biblical action takes place. The conference president (Jamieson) listed all the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist church concerning the topic. However, he “failed to follow-up with actions.” Words are just that; words. Even toddlers understand they can do something their told not to when the parents don’t follow-up with discipline.
The first thing I find very strange is the support of Bill Henson and the fact that conference leaders are inviting him to make presentations at workers meetings where teachers are present. We trust teachers to teach curriculum guidelines including Bible principles. Henson’s “doctrine” is not Biblical. And, knowing that, the conference refused to cancel the conference and only pare down the time allotted for the presentations. Henson doesn’t need much time to introduce the book he is handing out to all attendees. So, what do attendees come home with? Confusion about what should be taught from the pulpit and in the classroom; the Bible tells us one thing and the conference supported handouts are different. (who signs our checks?)
The second thing I find strange is the UCC will cancel a fully ordained and credentialled Adventist minister “because we don’t like his theology on women’s ordination and end time events.” What is so strange about “the ban,” is this minister’s theology doesn’t deviate from the Bible. I am an elder in a Seventh-day Adventist church in Wyoming. Due to the reduction in “allotments for ministers in Wyoming” the conference assigns multiple churches to the pastors. I do a sermon monthly in one of the churches Stephen Bohr was pastor of, years ago. So naturally I asked what their viewpoint was of Pastor Bohr. To a person, there was no doubt in their minds that Pastor Bohr was a solid Seventh-day Adventist pastor who only preached Bible truth. But there are those who will say, “he went off track later on in his ministry.” I don’t believe it for a minute. A close friend attended Pastor Bohr’s meetings in Denver (which the Rocky Mountain Conference banned) coming away with no topic that was not supported Biblically. But Bill Henson is an acceptable speaker to our pastors and teachers and not Pastor Bohr.
The final thing I find so very strange is: if the public sector recognizes transgenderism as an unsupported concept of what a man or woman is at birth, how can the church decide that it is acceptable? Example; Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, just signed an executive order banning the use of transgender terminology or using an X on gender selection on all government documents. Drivers’ licenses and all state documents asking for the gender of the person completing the forms are included. But now the church “decides” what is acceptable and what is not. Please note I have not indicated that we should “hate the sinner.”
We have a responsibility to preach the truth. Danny Shelton, 3ABN, said it so accurately: God decides what sin is, not man. And, he has clearly indicated, in the Bible, what sin is. Man does not have the choice to decide such a critical and important fact.
Thus, I would conclude that we choose this day who we will serve. I pray that I will continue to follow the only God that exists.
Bob A. Kenison