Fulcrum7 Mobile App Now Available!

Fulcrum7 is delighted to announce its new mobile app!

The Fulcrum7 app is available in both iPhone and Android versions and can be downloaded through the Apple App Store and Google Play.


                    Splash screen of new mobile app


                             App icon

Everything in the online website will also be available on the app.  The mobile app will enable us to provide you with up to date articles and news items, allowing you share them instantly.  Get started today by downloading the app! 

Get the latest updates through breaking alerts, donate, and sign up for the newsletter subscription.  We are committed to supporting conservative biblical truth among Adventists in an upbeat manner.  

Thanks also to the Agible design team who developed the app over the last four months.  Good job, guys.

Join us in getting interactive this year, and look for our booth at the ASI Convention in Phoenix.


Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fulcrum7.fulcrumapp&hl=en