8:31 — Vicki Griffin from Michigan Conference speaking on health and temperance. Good job.
“God has a dream, Satan has a nightmare, and you have a choice.”
9:30 AM Business session resumes..
Ted Wilson — yesterday many people were confused by the discussion and the motion to table a motion (removing voice from conference presidents of host division). The rules of order are here for us to use. An appeal: Please vote on items (up or down) rather than table or refer something, speak to the subject and vote it. The sources of confusion were three divisions who were unclear on what they were voting on (section 7). The issue regarding section 7 will come up again tomorrow morning, after the discussion on the tithe parity proposal.
At 2 PM today, the issue of NAD tithe parity will come up.
9:48 — Juan Prestol delivers treasure’s report.
Gross Tithe and Offerings
Exchange rate.
Vote budget
Investment Earnings
Total gross tithes through September appear to be down from the previous year.
working capital and liquidity are about the same as last year.
Prestol - -we are not as many as other denominations, but we try to maximize our resources wisely. The funds that are here (at the GC) are not for us—they are for the world church. We will be discussing how to reduce our ‘footprint’ in the face of tithe parity (NAD request) restructuring.
10:10 — Prestol “I praise the Lord, as I see people around the world who are willing to be generous. Do not betray that trust.”
A strong US dollar helps.
NAD tithe % — decreasing from 6.1% to 5.85% (according to previous agreement in working policy). The NAD indicated at their 2018 Year-end meeting that they wanted to reduce that amount to 2% (commensurate with the remaining divisions of the world church).
10:22 — vote to accept 2020 Budget. Passed.
The church is blessed by both tithing and the sharing of it.
10:30 AM — Juan Prestol — there will be a discussion this afternoon on adjusting tithe percentages (NAD request). This will modify the financial landscape of the board.
The GC is building a warehouse on their property.
Speaker — Melanie from ECD — “What is going on in the church?” God is with us, as long as we trust in Him. God is in this. Be strong. I implore you all to be trustworthy, like the treasurer is.” Perhaps this was a reflection on the motion that was tabled yesterday.
10:51 — Kenzen Cafe at the GC. Food is free—customers are encouraged to give a donation to Adventist Missions.
11:10 — Institute of World Mission has been in place for 53-years.
Press Box
Press Box
Entrance to Press Area; window into Spanish translator studio.
ADRA presentation.
Adventist Family Ministries report.
1919 — 178,238 members
2019 — 21 million members
Award presented to Ron and Karen Flowers for their service to family ministries.
— Lunch —
2:03 PM — Business session begins with a song. “In Moments Like These.”
Prayer time. Jim Howard closed.
Tithe Parity
Ted Wilson — Over the years, the North American Division has given much to the Adventist Church. In the past, the church gave 50% of their tithe to the mission work of the church. We are the legacy of that past. Asks for show of appreciation for the contributions that the NAD has made. The audience clapped at first them said “Amen.”
at one time gave 21% of their tithe to the world church
at the end of the day, we will be down to 5.85%. That was negotiated some years ago — 2012.
at the 2018 NAD year meeting they called for ‘parity’. Parity means an equal amount.
NAD has its own structure—its own headquarters now.
The question is how can we fulfill the request of the NAD for tithe equalization?
Our church members are the ones who support the world church. When we share it—we display trust. By God’s grace, the church will be strong for the future.
GC Treasurer Juan Prestol — Back in 1980, the NAD did not exist as a Division. In 1990, the NAD became a Division. Tithe parity is one more iteration in a long journey of changes.
in 1975 the percentage was 10.28 %
The overall function of the General Conference is going to have to be re-purposed. We will have to make cuts. There is pain for us and pain for the NAD, and the overseas Divisions. The suggestion is that NAD will pay 3%. 3% is not doable.
The GC proposal is 3.85% from the NAD and 3% from the rest of the divisions (over a period of ten years). That will financially hurt the GC; cuts will be have to be made.
“We should not involve lay members in this discussion. Once the tithe is paid, the burden becomes ours.”
3:09 — Reading motion proposal now…
Motion moved — floor is open.
Randy Robinson (NAD) — This is not a money-grab by North America. It’s about mission. Supports the motion.
Eddie - pastor of pacific New Zealand Conference — the part of the church that is closest to the mission field is the local church. Calls for the church to be leaner - remove superfluous layers of the church.
Speaker from Africa — worried about timing of this parity issue. It came up after Annual Council 2018 — this seems to be a retaliatory measure for the Compliance Documents that were voted. NAD has a responsibility—that responsibility must not be shirked. The intention may be good, but the timing makes me feel very uncomfortable. People were emotional yesterday at the mere mention of removing voice from NAD Conference Presidents.
Motion to introduce time limits 2.5 minutes. Motion passed.
Neil Nedley — This will affect a lot of things. The Bible says “To whom much has been given, much will be required.” What is going to be the impact on each Division. The majority of lay people in North America very much want to be one church. May of them will want to give to the world church, not the Division. Recommends tabling motion until GC session. Motion fails.
McEdwards — stands in favor of the motion. May be painful, we should share pain together.
Kwasi from Canada. Supports the motion. The baby boomers are regular in their giving. The younger generation isn’t.
William Cox — in support of the motion. Allegheny West Conference. Says this will provide more funds for evangelism in NAD. Says NAD is the new mission field.
Kathy Profitt — tithe payers are concerned how this will impact global mission. Parity will require AWR to reduce it’s budget by 25%. Three departments at the GC will have to be cut. Motion to amend the motion and refer to 2020 GC Session.
Parlimentarian says you cannot amend to refer to another body. Motion dies, at the recommendation of Todd McFarland, and Karnick.
Clinton Wahlen (BRI) — many young people do not support this motion. We haven’t been given enough information. It’s not our money—it is God’s money. Speaks against this motion.
Randy Roberts — our lay members at Loma Linda are eager to support this motion. Speaks against the idea of lay people not knowing where there money goes. Says they deserve to know.
Speaker — says it’s our responsibility to help immigrants and under-insured in America.
Bob Lemon — We have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget how the Lord has led us in the past. I was treasurer when we went from 8% to 6%. Supports this motion.
Marie — says pathfinders in her church were struggling with funds. As an immigrant — I support this motion.
Mike Hewitt — our giving is among the highest. We are few in numbers. Supports the motion. We don’t have enough resources.
Jim Howard — I am at peace if this passes. Concerned about not having enough information. The optics of this change are a concern. Calls for review before 2024.
Speaker — NAD. This is not a selfish request. NAD membership is shrinking. We need missionaries here. If every member gives 10%, it is not unjust for each Division to give 3%. Supports the motion.
Mike Ryan — supports motion - calls for question.
Leslie Pollard — this is a moment of progress. Likes that it supports Andrews both Loma Linda and Andrews University. Supports.
Last speaker — supports motion. When things are tight, we find a way to get ourselves out of the situation.
4:03 — Time to vote: Motion passes.
Dan Jackson - thanks the GC Executive Committee for voting this.
The Abortion Statement
4:22 PM — Ted Wilson speaking. We have never had a Statement on abortion. We had Guidelines, but no Statement. BRI worked on this. Many people have had input on this balanced Statement. It is not part of the Church manual — it is to inform the world how the Bible speaks to us about life.
Artur Stele — lots of work went into this document. Ethicists, Bible scholars, doctors etc (over 20-people). On August 27, a 26-member working group reviewed the document. September 12 — other health committee had input. Presented to Adcom on October 1.
Some say the Document is a nuclear weapon against Adventist Health. Asks Peter Landless to speak. Delivered 2000 babies. Says that we have a history related to abortion. We did not have a wonderful history in our institutions related to abortion. There is a deep concern about this past history. Kettering Health performed 3 abortions in 2018. There were between 50-60 abortions performed in Adventist hospitals in 2018, according to the statistics provided by Peter Landless (see image).
Peter Landless’ Chart
By New Year the Seventh-day Adventist Church will come up with implementations for Adventist Health. We have no option but to default to Scripture. We follow Sola Scriptura.
Artur Stele — the Bible does not speak directly to Scripture. But there are examples and principles. Same language for fetus is used for a child (in both Hebrew and Greek).
Ex. 22:25 — Moses uses the word for children (chapter 23).
Psalm 139:13 — You formed my inward parts (means ownership). Belongs to God. God’s mercy.
Abortion Statement being read. [Some good things in here.]
5:10 — still being read . . .
Statement is moved as a motion. Discussion is limited to 2.5 minutes each. Vote must occur at 6 PM.
Doug Batchelor — life begins at conception. If we are fuzzy on the 6th Commandment, how shall we remain strong on the 4th? Supports the motion.
Ricardo Graham — Says document could be a proof-text document. [Answer is that the Bible is our authority and we are right to refer to our authority in answering this question. The texts prove the point]. Says that the health ministries will also have input.
Thomas Mueller — what is the difference between a Statement and Guidelines?
Jiri Moskala — statement has good biblical principles. Suggests minor change of verbiage. Says that rape should be included in the document point 5.
Loma Linda individual — suggests a wording change(s).
Medical Dr. — Document has many beautiful elements. One concern — life of the mother.
Cliff Goldstein — I remember the non-Adventist picketers in 1994 at AC. Thou shalt not kill. Will our hospitals follow this statement? A wider group will create guidelines for hospitals, based on this statement.
Melanie — Appreciates the Statement. Sees ambivalence in the Statement.
Dan Houghton — have waiting many years for this statement. Grateful for the statement. Troubled by line 8-9 on the last page. Suggests slight revision.
Speaker -- says document is a good document. Would like to see it named “The Sanctity of Life.”
Natasha Dysinger (carrying child)— Likes document. Point 6 covers experiences like hers. Affirms implications section.
Kathy Proffit — appreciates the biblical weight of the document. last page line 9 - remove.
Anthony Kent — Thanks Committee for their work. Questions nomenclature about Decalogue.
Director of Adventist Chaplain Ministries — speaks on behalf of Advent Health. Intreats people to set record straight. Calls for question.
Document will be tweaked, and brought back on Wednesday morning.
Handysides — supports document. Likes section 6.
Secretary of TED — appreciates document. Worried about vulnerable women in our churches. Appeals for pastoral protocols in counseling women in difficult situations.
Ted Wilson — We intend to establish some working groups to develop protocols for medical institutions.
Discussion is ended. See you tomorrow !!