Adventist World Leaders Reaffirm Biblical Sexuality And Call For EUD to Deal With German Bisexual 'Pastor'

The role of the pastor must be one that influences others towards accepting the plain Word of God rather than being influenced by cultural, humanistic, or societal ideas that seek to undermine its timeless authority.  

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North German Union Stiffens Its Neck Against The World Church

They are wasting the church’s time. They have had decades to understand the accordant decisions of the Church. After receiving a warning, the only real question remaining is “Will you fix your problem?”

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Columbia Union Executive Committee Votes Statement On Annual Council Warning

That is why WO is such coveted turf by liberals in the Church, it symbolizes the conquest of this new order over the old order.  The spoils of this conquest are the rich Adventist storehouses of our heritage, health message, and Mission.

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NAD 2019 Year End Meeting (Day 2). The Way Forward

Since this is such an important issue, it would be good to revisit, publish and republish both sides of the issue, not only in our Union papers, but also in our denominational periodical, The Journey and Review.

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A Year Later, NAD, Pacific Union, And NCC Continue To Encourage Non-Compliance

Annual Council members should be aware of these things, in order to firmly address what has metastasized into a rebellious, hostile spirit in the North American Division.

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What Authority Do Unions Have in Ordaining Ministers?

“Wherever possible the candidate should plan to have his wife present for the examination, realizing that ordination affects not only the individual but the entire family.” This is very much in line with God’s counsel in His Word in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

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T.E.D. Requests Gender-Inclusive Language Changes For Elders In Church Manual

From the very mention of Compliance in the hallowed halls of Battle Creek, you could already hear the stentorian social justice battalion storming the lawn of the GC . . .

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The Elephant In The Room: NAD Wants To Reduce The Tithe They Give to The World Field

Calls for the NAD to keep more of its tithe dollars will increase, as leaders deepen their indignation over compliance and accountability.

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