We predicted this was coming, 31—months ago. While we would much rather be wrong about that prediction, the time has come to admit that we were correct.
I also admit, it didn’t take an Isaiah-sized gift of prophecy to predict, either. Once the blackened door of moral license swung open to admit homosexuality and gay marriage, the damage was done. Utter cultural defilement was inevitable.
Pedophilia as Sexual Orientation
Now the door is opening still further for the obscene crime of pedophilia. There was a time when exposing children to mild obscenities was a crime. Now it is considered “education.”
Informed Parents of California have waged a noble battle to expose the perversion and evil that is being forced on the state's children. However, that is not enough. Parents who love their children must protect them from this evil now — and that means getting them out of Pharoah’s school system! Let it crash without us—let them come to us eventually and seek biblical wisdom, just as Pharoah sought the counsel of Joseph’s God in times of famine.
Government school officials in California think it is “really important” to teach children about pedophilia and pederasty in the classroom because it is a “sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official for California's Brea Olinda School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue, despite the outrage. The implications are mind-blowing.
The stunning admission came after a parent-information meeting last month for the Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD). Stephanie Yates, asked school officials why they were “teaching pedophilia in school to 9th graders.” But instead of a denial that such an atrocity was taking place, a top school official confirmed it was happening and acted like there was nothing wrong with it.
“This is done because we are talking about historical perspectives of how gender relations and different types of sexual orientations have existed in history,” said BOUSD Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres in a matter-of-fact way, sounding almost oblivious to how the bombshell might sound to normal people.
Horrified, the mother expressed shock at Torres' admission. “So sex between a man and a boy is a sexual orientation?” she asked. Torres did not deny it. “It's something that occurred in history, and so this is really important for us to include,” the assistant superintendent said, implying that yes, sexual relations between a man and a boy — properly considered rape under the laws of every state — is a “sexual orientation.”
Indeed, the comments may be one of the most shocking admissions from an education official in recent memory. And the implications go even beyond simply normalizing one of the most disgusting and abominable crimes that can be perpetrated.
Propaganda outlets disguised as news organizations such as Salon and Slate have also been working to normalize and redefine pedophilia and pederasty as a “sexual orientation.” LGBT movement hero Harvey Milk, who is celebrated in California's fake “history” textbooks as a great figure, was known for raping minor boys, at least one of whom later committed suicide.
The gates of evil are open. Parents who love their children must protect them from this evil now — and that means removing them from government school.
“Jesus invited a little child to stand among them. Truly I tell you,'“ He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world for the causes of sin. These offenses must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!” (Matthew 18:2-7).