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Read moreFemale Pastors Are Not Only More Liberal, They Might Be More Confused
Instead, the true moving of the Holy Spirit is characterized by a quiet, convicting power that leads to genuine conversion and a life transformed by God's influence.
Read moreAnnual Council 2024 - Recommended Church Manual Changes
The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual is a book of the principles and regulations that guide the Church in its internal operations and in the fulfillment of its mission to the world.
Read moreJohn Kerry Condemns The First Amendment
When it comes to the Bible, conservatives say, “It is the text that matters.” Liberals often say they find meanings that are not the meaning asserted by the words, sentences, phrases themselves.
Read morePotomac Conference President Changes Famous Ellen White Quote
The greatest lack in our world is the lack of Godly men. Men, if you have been passive in your families, lax in your souls, untrue to duty, soft on sin, and sitting down on the job, it is time to stand. That goes for you and I too, Mr. Tapp.
Read moreSacramento City Attorney Threatens Target With Fines for Reporting Retail Thefts
It’s unclear why City Attorney Susana Alcala Wood’s office would issue such a warning to any business seeking help from police. Especially when Target is the victim, and pays high property taxes in the City of Sacramento.
Read moreDakota Conference Votes to Ordain Without Regard To Gender
The Dakota Executive Committee should be fired and replaced with people who follow the biblical guidelines on church leadership. They are either knowingly or unknowingly contributing to gender confusion that will ultimately result in homosexual ordination.
Read moreLittle Light Studios Cancelled by Social Media Platform Vimeo
“They think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you” (1 Peter 4:4).
Read moreThe Episcopal Church's New Logo is Apostate Protestantism At Its Finest
Here’s how it works. The sinful culture makes up it’s mind about something and weak church leaders bow the knee. No integrity. None. This is the final resting place of Isaiah 5:20, and it’s coming soon to a church near you.
Read moreThought You Might Like to See The NAD Volunteer Ministries FB Page (trigger warning)
“For certain people have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 4).
Read moreSouthern University Puts a Stop to Dancing at Cultural Club Events
Photo by Adam De Lisser
Dennis Negrón, vice president for Student Development indicated that these events have become more about dancing instead of culture. Negrón made the decision to halt the dancing this year.
Read moreHouse Democrats Introduce a Horrid Transgender Protection Bill (H. Res 1209)
Our Godless culture is the servant of the prince of this world. We serve the Almighty Creator of all. Whatever happens, make up your mind to bring glory to God, come what what may.
Read moreChurch of England Refuses to Define The Word 'Woman'
Innes' remarks came in response to a question posed by lay member Adam Kendry during the General Synod, who asked: "What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?"
Read morePope Francis Announces The Appointment of Women on Bishop Selection Committee
Being inclusive of women may score points with western culture, liberal Adventism and Catholicism by seeking what is popular, but it fails to ask that eternally important question “What is biblical?”
Read moreAdventist Church Australia Posts Picture of Leaders Back In Office, SDA Leftists Outraged Because No Women Are In The Picture
Jesus was RADICAL. He did not "keep his eyes on God". He kept his eyes on the hypocrisy of the organised religion He was born into and FOUGHT AGAINST IT.
Read moreWoman of The Year is a Man
In our efforts to stay ahead of the curve, Fulcrum7 is going to predict the 2023 Woman's world champion in the 100 meter freestyle. Here is ‘its’ picture:
Read moreLiberty & Health Alliance Issues Statement To The Seventh-day Adventist Church
Was it prudent to release the October 25, 2021 statement, endorsing vaccination mandates for the first time, when these very mandates are being used to terminate dedicated Adventists from their employment..?
Read moreBiden Administration Appoints Drag Queen To Office of Nuclear Energy
The non-binary drag queen who has been tapped for a nuclear waste job in Biden's Department of Energy was born the son of Southern Baptists missionaries, but now lectures on 'kink' activism, enjoys sexual 'pup play' and worships 'Daddy Fauci'.
Read moreDear ADCOM, Instead Of Making Hapless Statements How About Fixing WO Rebellion?
Along with Scripture and the SOP we condemn passive Eli’s in the church who shirk their God-given responsibility; we condemn restless Eve’s who seek positions that the Bible precludes.
Read moreAndrews Receives $38k Grant To Reframe Its History According to Modern Wokeness
“This work began in fall 2020 with the official launch of our Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center, and this grant will help us continue this important work” stated Michael Nixon.
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