Seventh-day Adventist Facebook Page is Temporarily Unpublished by Facebook

Facebook unpublished the SDA Facebook page recently. They are working to get it back up.

Facebook has become more and more ironhanded towards certain Pages that have a conservative or biblical viewpoint in the last 12-months. Under the guise of controlling ‘hate speech’ they have—at times—initiated takedowns of various pages that speak out against LGBTQ ideology. It may be that they took down the official Seventh-day Adventist Church Page by accident, or it could be that they are flexing their left-leaning muscles.

The company says it makes moderation errors. Others, particularly conservatives, see censorship.

Surprisingly, the SDA page is usually non-controversial, so we are at a loss to understand why FB would remove it. Facebook has agreed to restore the page, so perhaps it was an innocuous accident on their part. Perhaps not.
