If Conversion Therapy is Bad, Why is Sex Reassignment Good?

An old trick of radical liberalism is: “In order to change culture, we must first change the meaning of words.”

We see this in the way LGBT activists celebrate sex reassignment as gender affirmation but condemn conversion therapy as sex reassignment.


Let’s imagine there is a 6 year-old boy named Johnny and Johnny experiences gender dysphoria. Surrounded by cultural and media forces which suggest that gender is fluid, he says he wants to be a girl. The science shows that in 80-95% of the cases, gender dysphoria eventually goes away on it’s own. So if Johnny and his parents do nothing, the overwhelming odds are that by the time Johnny goes through puberty, his gender dysphoria will go away. He will be normal again.

However, if a therapist or doctor were to help Johnny get over his gender dysphoria and counsel him in a way that helped him identify as a boy this would be condemned as “conversion therapy.” In several states, it’s illegal. In those states, the only thing a counselor is allowed to do with a child who has experienced gender dysphoria is help them embrace their identity as the opposite sex. If they don’t, they would be professionally punished or even lose their license. Bizarre.

On the other hand, if a therapist assures Johnny that he is really a girl, gives him puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and then helps him get surgery that removes healthy body parts and permanently sterilizes him, this is referred to as “gender affirmation.” That is legal in all 50 states, and encouraged by politically correct lobbyists and activists.

But isn’t it interesting the words they use to describe these situations?

  • Helping a child accept & appreciate the body they were born with is called “conversion therapy.” And LGBT activists have worked hard to demonize such honest encouragement.

  • Giving a child artificial hormones and plastic surgery is called “gender affirmation.” Liberal academics, activists and legislators praise such mutilation as a good thing.

If that seems backwards to you, that’s because it is.


“Thinking themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1).