Oklahoma Conference Proposes Bylaws Change Aligning Themselves With the NAD

The Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists holds their regular Conference Constituency Meeting this Sunday on April 18th.

Delegates received a paper outlining bylaws changes just a couple days ahead of the meeting. One of the proposed changes affecting the relationship of the Oklahoma Conference to the world Church is substantive.

Constitution & Bylaws Changes

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  • Notice how the proposed changes (line 19) inserts the North American Division (NAD) in lieu of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as the source of working policy ‘harmony’ for Oklahoma.

  • Notice how line 22 scrubs the General Conference (world Church) completely from the Constitution as the epitome of Oklahoma’s mission, substituting in its place the NAD again.

  • I am told by sources that I trust that the NAD is recommending these changes to local Conferences (pressuring them).

  • If the NAD was ideologically and theologically aligned with the GC, then this change—while odd—might be no big deal. However, under the current circumstances, this is a real bad thing to do. It also raises the question, why alter the relationship of the Oklahoma Conference to the world Church after all these years?

  • These changes appear to be an attempt of the NAD to separate smaller entities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from the world Church. I hope it fails.

  • The Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has many good people in it. My prayer is that informed delegates will reject any attempt to align their Conference with a mere Division instead of the worldwide Body that we are all part of.

  • Full page documents:


“Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight” (Proverbs 11:1).